Water Filters: Do You Really Need One?
- By:E. Blumenthal
In these days of so much hype about organic this and all-natural that, is the whole water filter craze just more hot air from health nuts trying to convince us that we're dying one unfiltered swallow at a time? I'm no health nut, and definitely not into all things organic, but I'm a big fan of water filters!
Think water purification is a relatively recent pursuit? Think again. Historians believe that the first use of water filters was over four thousand years ago! But it wasn't until the last several hundred years (especially since the invention of the microscope) that significant advances in water filters were made.
Put simply, a water filter is just an instrument which removes impurities from water by using a fine physical barrier, or a chemical or biological process. The specifics can get pretty complicated, but the details of the process really don't concern me a whole lot. What interests me are the end results!
Some of the terms you'll see when researching water filtration can be pretty serious. Terms like "Electrodeionization," "Plumbo-solvency reduction," "Coagulation," and "Flocculation" are enough to make Joe Bluecollar think that it's all just another bunch of hot air. But really, water filtration is something that can make a noticeable difference in our daily lives.
There's nothing like a clear, cool (or room temperature, as I prefer), pure glass of water. It's refreshing, satisfying, and should taste good too. But what if it doesn't? A water filter is probably an easy sell in that case.
However, sometimes your water can taste not-so-good without you realizing it. My challenge is to try a water filter and just see if your water doesn't taste noticeably better! Compare a glass of filtered and a glass of unfiltered side by side and see if there's a visible difference. Brew some tea and perform another test. Chances are, the results will clearly be in favor of filtered water.
Maybe the health nuts are right, and unfiltered water is causing cancer left and right in addition to becoming a precursor to Armageddon. Myself, though, I'm not too worried about it. Water filtration offers enough tangible, real-world, common-sense benefits that those of us who aren't health nuts can easily see that using a water filter is in our best interest.
In fact, if you'll excuse me, I need a refill!About the author:
For more information and tips on water filters try visiting http://water-filter-information.com where you will find out more about the importance of water and water filters!