What Did Wallace D. Wattles Know about Health?
- By:Laurence Magne
“Time” is an illusion, a purely human construct of mankind, designed to measure a perceived “past”, “present” and “future”. The illusion of “time” is maintained by a scientific measurement of the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun to observe the seasons and the time the Earth takes for a complete rotation relative to the Sun.
Beyond our perceptions, “time” simply does not exist. There is only Now, where everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen. Beyond Earth therefore the concepts of “past, present and future” simply do not and cannot exist.
The entire Universe is Energy vibrating and the physical world is the outermost shell, existing at the lowest rate of vibration and the highest density.
All Energy is influenced by thought, manifesting as an observable effect. Everything that happens, first originated as a thought originating from the Mind of a Being, and that thought in turn has its corresponding effect on the Universe.
Since the beginning of the human concept of “time” mankind has sought to live life based around that concept, thereby always thinking in terms of past present and future rather than Now. There is a no past or future irrespective of how much mankind forces his own existence around those erroneous notions. This tendency to force everything to happen in compliance with a notional concept of “time” has a very profound effect on the lives of those who do not fully understand these realities.
When a person thinks in the future tense, for example “ I will”, “I want”, “I could” then the Energy being influenced by those thoughts that can manifest into individual reality will be influenced only in the Now, with the perceived future never actually arriving. So if you think, say or behave in a manner that implies “I want”, you are placing yourself into a perpetual state of “wanting” but never of actually receiving.
The Universe is immutable, absolutely perfect in every possible respect, and will accordingly always respond to a thought in its absolute terms rather than a human concept. “I want” literally creates a state of “wanting” perpetually until if or at such time whatever is associated with that thought is shifted to a state of “having” in the Now, which will then allow the object of that thought to manifest from a perpetual want into the actual Now, and accordingly into the individual, observable reality of the person originating that thought.
This is why when you wish health for yourself, you are projecting it into the future, as opposed to creating it NOW. You must then start feeling the feelings of health NOW, remembering your body in a perfect state of health, and returning to that state again and again, in the NOW, even if you feel unwell or in pain.
The importance of the Eternal Now must be fully grasped and fully understood as a continuous aspect of enjoying total fulfilment, joy and evolution. How we think has the most profound effect over the effects that occur in our lives, nothing has a more profound effect.
It is not sufficient to only recognize and express these fundamental laws when it suits us, when we desire something or when there is a situation that demands it. Those who do live their lives according to these laws will always seem to others to live a “charmed”, “lucky” existence, when in fact they are in reality living a Magical life, always in total control over their own individual reality, and always in a higher degree of harmony.
In order to begin the process of finding the health you deserve, in which you have a total control first of all requires awareness. Rather than thinking random thoughts, all of which will have their corresponding effects whether observable or not, start to become fully aware of how, what and why you are thinking what you are. This is where powers of concentration as developed by virtue of the exercises in the previous chapter of this book are so valuable. Presence of Mind, awareness and concentration are a very powerful combination indeed in creating your own reality and living that Magical life that many can only dream of.
If you would like to follow a simple step-by-step formula based on these principles, visit www.thescienceofbeingwell.biz to discover more. I have been researching these principles of health for the past 25 years, and have finally found a way to help everyone attain long-life health.
About the author:
For the past 25 years, Dr Magne has been involved in the field of health and cancer research, investigating the reasons why we get sick, and whether we can get well outside of the medical field, using alternative solutions. She has counseled many clients and conducted many lectures and trainings.
I am a professisonal counselor, qualified in Psycho-Immunology, Educational Kinesiology, Huna healing techniques, a trainer of NLP and Time Line Therapy. I also qualified in Oriental Remedial Therapy, and Behavioral Modelling, the art and science of replicating excellence in any field.