What Kind of Toxins does Your Body Have?

By:Rudy Silva

A lot of being said about body toxins and colon toxins and removing toxins from the body. But what really are body toxins and where do they come from? And, why do we need to remove them?

A toxin is a chemical or substance that creates irritation and imbalance in your body. Your body response quickly to substances that you eat, drink or inhale that create irritation by creating inflammation. This inflammation, if maintained in your body for long periods, is the source of disease and decreased life span.

Body toxins create a dirty body like dirt creates a dirty house. When a house is not cleaned regularly, bacteria, fungus, parasites, pathogens, bugs, rats, you name it start to move in. The same occurs in your body. Body toxins are naturally acidic and they attract all kinds of pathogens, since they enjoy an acid environment.

Body toxins or colon toxins not only come from what you take into your body, but also, come from within your body. Unresolved emotions, feelings, or thoughts create chemicals that circulate within your body causing the same type of inflammation caused by the chemicals or substances that you eat.

It is estimated that 90% of all illnesses are created by psychological problems. If you have unresolved emotions that occurred in childhood, teen years, or adult life, then this will have an impact on your lifestyle choice. You will most likely chose those relationships with people, food, or addictive substances or behaviors that will keep you from dealing with those unresolved issues.

Doing a yearly body cleanse is a necessity, if you want to remove toxins that are slowly building a place to live and creating a disease that maintains their existence. A body cleanse can be a colon, liver, kidney, or blood cleanse. A colon cleanse is a good place start; unless you have stones in your liver or kidney, then this is the place to start.

There are a variety of different cleanses that you can choose from. The important thing is to choose one so that you can get the experience in doing one and see its effects. Cleanses do not have to be complicated. You can do a simple three day juice cleanse to get started. Then, when you do another cleanse, add herbs that assist in cleansing. And still when you do another cleanse, add special supplements that help reduce or eliminate toxins.

Body toxins and colon toxins are destructive in your body, because they begin the process of disease. If you want to have fewer body toxins, less disease, then you need to clean you're inside body, frequently, like you do the outside of your body. Start with a simple 3 day cleanse just to get over the idea that a cleanse is hard or takes to much time.

About the author:
Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist, gives you more free tips on colon cleansing at: http://www.cleanse-the-body.com/ He has also recently release an e-report that you can easily use it for a 3 day colon cleanse called "7 Day Colon and Blood Cleanse" at: http://www.coloncleanse.for--you.com