What life is all about Part 4

By:Ralph Morton

After the war Granddad was reunited with his family. He believed wholeheartedly, that as the war had been won by the Allies, they would receive a wonderful welcome back as conquering heroes. They felt they would be better appreciated, they also believed they would receive a better wages and better conditions at the pits.

They received the wonderful welcome, however, the conditions at the pits were actually worse. The owners wanted to make up for all the money they had lost during the war, and the workers received less than they had before they left. Poverty once again ruled supreme and remained so for many years.

My Grandfather and other miners, in 1926 had enough. The whole mining industry was closed down because noone would work for wages, so low, that, if you had an average family, no matter how hard you worked there was never enough money to feed everyone. Yes, people were starving, even those that had a full time job. Those same conditions had lasted a very long time.

Things were getting worse, a number of the workers took control and decided enough was enough. If they were starving while they were fully employed, why not starve while fighting for better conditions?. So, a General Strike was called. All the workers in England went on strike, Railwaymen, Miners, Bus Drivers, the whole work force joined in and everything stopped. They decided it was time the workers had better wages, and the working conditions had to change.

It was thought at the beginning, the families would go through a bad time being short of food; however, soon the food kitchens were formed and families were fed, some say even better than they were when the workers were fully employed. The do-gooders supplying the food never realized how little these families had been living on.

Granddad was not happy with having to live on charity, so he decided to go elsewhere to find work to feed his family. He went south to London, but there was no work to be had, as everyone there was on strike also.

He had the opportunity to go to Canada, so he went leaving all his family in England. He worked his passage and was able to send money home. He arrived in Canada and as far as I can remember what he told me, he went to Edmonton to work for a brother who had emigrated years earlier. Granddad’s brother owned a farm in Edmonton and was doing very well. He offered Granddad a reasonable wage, so he could send money home to the family. He was able to save enough to send for Grandmother. The plan seemed pretty feasible, she would leave the children at home until they were settled and then send for them. However, unfortunately she was always ill in Canada and couldn’t stand the cold weather in Edmonton. So she returned home.

I must tell you what Granddad told to a young kid, who always hung on to every word he said. When the rivers and lakes were frozen in Edmonton, the poor people who could not afford ice skates, would grow their toenails and curl them under their feet to use for skates. As you can see he liked to pull my leg for I really believed him when he told me.

About the author:
Ralph Morton has been successful during his working life,, now that he
has retired he is assisting peope to start their own home businesses.

Ralph has written many articles telling how terrible Toxins
are to this world, he has also helped hundreds of people to lose
weight by getting rid of those toxins.

Should you be reading Ralph's bio and have missed some chapters,
they may be obtained by sending an email to noviorbis@telus.net

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