Who Needs Calcium Supplements and Why?

By:Reevas Austin Austin

The straight forward answer to this question is people of all ages
require calcium supplements to keep their bones strong and avoid any
kind of bone disease.
The amount of calcium required by the body depends on the age of the

Listed below is a dietary reference guide published by National Academy
of Sciences Institute of Medicine.
0 - 6 months
210 milligrams/day

6 - 12 months
270 milligrams/day
1 - 3 years
500 milligrams/day
4 - 8 years
800 milligrams/day
9 - 18 years
1,300 milligrams/day
Adults 19 - 50 years
1,000 milligrams/day
Adults 51 years
1,200 milligrams/day

Calcium is present in all diary products (milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage
cheese etc) ,leafy vegetables, eggs and meat. The calcium which the
body gets through daily intake of food is not sufficient to meet the
daily requirements of the body. When we do not take enough calcium our
bodies use up the calcium present in the bones hence making the body
bones week and open to all kinds of bone diseases.
So it is required we take a calcium supplement designed to meet our
calcium requirements according to the dosage mentioned.

What calcium does to our Body?

Calcium helps to build up our skeletal structure. it also has a role to
play in nerve function, blood clotting and muscle health. increased
calcium intake and reduced levels of pre-menstrual symptoms and also
helps in maintaining blood pressure.

What are the different kinds of calcium supplements available?

Seaweed Calcium from the Sea seaweed calcium supplement product combines all necessary
co-nutrients that are vital to calcium’s metabolism into the bone. The
foundational minerals are from coral reefs located in pristine waters
off the coast of Okinawa, Japan and consciously harvested in an
eco-friendly manner. Harvesting is done by a company who is an active
member of the World Wildlife Federation and in waters only that have
been pre-approved by the Okinawa Prefectural Government. Calcium from
the Sea has health generating potential far beyond traditional calcium
supplements. It is ideal for men of all ages and pre-menopausal women

NanoCalcium - NanoCalcium Supplement is a very unique product. It is one of those products that come along once every few years that has amazing healing potential. It has been tested in Japan for over 10 years and has only recently been made available in the United States. It works on the same principle as
Seaweeds calcium supplements, namely alkalinizing the blood system, but
is considerably stronger.

What are the problems caused due to calcium deficiency?

1, Calcium deficiency weakens bones and makes them more prone to
2, cause extreme nerve sensitivity, muscle spasms, and leg cramps
3, Improper functioning of the heart.
4, slows down blood clotting system hence wounds take longer time to
5, weakens teeth so gum disease occur frequently.
6, High blood pressure may occur


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. A constant supply of
calcium is necessary throughout our lifetime. It is necessary
that every one irrespective of their age should take calcium
supplements in right dosage. Over dosge of calcium is harmful to the
body.To lead a healty long life take calcium supplements in the right

About the author:
This article is written by Robert E. Dallas, Ph.D: Author is a health and fitness consultant in Las Vegas
He has a experience of 10 years in diet concelling people. He is the owner of website
He formulated all the heath supplements keeping in mind the health problems faced by today's generation.