With Lasik Eye Surgery, the Skill of the Physician Performing the Operation is C
- By:Muna wa Wanjiru
Are you getting tired of wearing your glasses or contact lens in order to see? There may be a better solution for improving your eyesight. It is called lasik eye surgery.
The 'lasik' in lasik eye surgery stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure using what is called an excimer laser, which permanently changes the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear covering of the front of the eye.
Before we look at the benefits lasik eye surgery, there are certain people that are not good candidates for this procedure. If you have required a change in your glasses or contact lens prescription in the last year, lasik eye surgery is probably not for you. As a rule of thumb, people that meet certain conditions are considered unqualified for lasik eye surgery. There are people in the early 20's or younger, people with diabetes, pregnant women and people taking medications that cause fluctuations in their vision.
If however, you do not fit any of the above problem groups, then this might be the best thing that ever happened to your eyes. One patient said, "After wearing contact lenses for 35 years, you can't imagine the freedom I felt". Those sentiments are echoed by most patients after lasik eye surgery.
Most common eye disorder, near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism can be corrected with laser eye surgery. The American Academy of Ophthalmology in San Francisco says that lasik eye surgery is fast becoming the most technologically advanced method available. The Food and Drug Administration first approved the excimer laser in October 1995. From then on, techniques and procedures for lasik eye surgery have been improved upon.
Lasik eye surgery is specifically used to correct near-sightedness. Other laser procedures are used to correct other vision problems. With lasik eye surgery, the skill of the physician performing the operation is crucial and critical. That is because an incision is made during the lasik eye surgery. You need to find a practitioner who has extensive training and wide experience before you choose the lasik eye surgery procedure. Approximately 80,000 lasik eye surgery procedures are performed every year and that number is growing annually.
The after-effects of their lasik eye surgery are minimal under normal conditions. The patient may be sensitive to light for a few days. Usually people go back to work in one to three days. Here is a checklist put out by the FDA if you are considering lasik eye surgery. Learn what you are getting into, find the best and most experienced doctor in your area, and fully understand the risks and benefits before you consult to the lasik eye surgery.
About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is the Web Administrator for http://www.merpetsales.com and has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on lasik eye surgery, visit his site at Lasik Eye Surgery