You Will Not Get the Flu Unless You Need To
- By:Chuck Bluestein
The above title is my guarantee to you. Modern medicine knows that people can come in contact with the germs that cause the flu and not get it due to a great immune system. What do colds have to do with the cold weather? Why is the flu season during the cold weather? Why does the body catch a cold and the flu? What is the fastest way to get over a cold and how do you avoid them altogether?
If your immune sysem is strong enough then you will not get the flu. When a person's health is too low, the body's intelligence tries to raise it. Its job is to constantly try to make the person healthy and fit, not fat. Its only goal is the best health possible. But people have many other priorities like entertainment, fun, being sociable, making money and being admired.
So when your health (immune system) drops too low, the body's intelligence tries to force you to do something about it. Your health and immune system are proportional to how clean or free of toxins the body is. Toxins include the body's metabolic waste. The body is constantly getting rid of toxins but sometimes it gets backed up. Things that help the body detoxify are heavy sweating caused by heat or exercise, sleeping, fasting and eating a light and healthy diet. The opposite things, like lack of sleep, causes the body to get backed up with these toxins.
During cold weather people get less sunlight which means less vitamin D (which is good for the immune system). Also people sweat a lot less during cold weather so saunas can help to cause more sweating. The skin is one of the 4 excretory organs of the body which also include the lungs, liver and kidneys. The colon is an organ of elimination. It is not an excretory organ since it is outside the body proper. That is medical talk.
With Bikrams Hot Yoga, you do yoga exercise in a room that is 100 degrees Fahrenheit so this causes you to sweat a lot. Americans have a tendency to over eat and under sleep especially around the holidays. I saw on the forums before thanksgiving that more people are asking about what to do about a cold.
So the body's intelligence allows you to get sick so you will do the things that you were unwilling to do, like taking off work, eating less and sleeping more. Then after the flu, you are healthier than you were before the flu. If you do not do these things then the flu can last a long time.
The quickest way to get over a cold or the flu is fasting, according to Mark Twain and I. That causes the body to detoxify at the fastest rate possible. If you can't fast, then just eat only fruit, especially fruits high in vitamin C, until you are better. Fruits require the least amount of digestive energy. You already know about getting plenty of rest and drinking enough fluids. For more on this, see my website below.
Copyright 2006 by Chuck BluesteinAbout the author:
Chuck Bluestein is a nutritionist, herbalist and an expert on fasting and weight loss. His website has info on colds and flus, losing weight (including water weight), weight loss strategies, healthy diet, fasting, natural healing and how to be happier.