bladder infection symptoms

By:Michael Malega

I hope that the next article will help you to better empathise this topic. A bladder infection is a very uncomfortable and sometimes painful infection that many women get. This infection affects the urinary tract. The infection causing bacteria is named E. coli. Usually this E.coli bacterium lives in our guts but sometimes it can come into contact with the urine in our bodies. At this phase the bacterium begins to breed and cause the infection. How are we able to recognize the bladder infection symptoms from other problems that we could seeAs the E. coli only makes it self present after it has infected our bodies, specifically the urethra area we can only feel the bladder infection symptoms at this point. Normally you will find that there are a number of bladder infection symptoms that can occur. These are recognised in many cases by an urgent need to empty the bladder. Other symptoms include a need to often urinate.The other bladder infection symptoms include a shop at need to pass water that sometimes will have a burn mark or painful sense during urination. You will also experience bladder spasms and sometimes you will feel the need to urinate even when you have little to no urine to pass. The other bladder infection symptoms will impact your urine being bloody, cloudy or even foul smelling.A serious type of bladder infection can lead to kidney infection. These more sever bladder infection symptoms will also have the convention bladder infection symptoms and your urine will have some blood in it. There will be abdominal hurting and burning. You will absolutely need to urinate very frequently. Some people who experience serious bladder infections to kidney infections will have back pain just above their waist.Anyone who displays any of the bladder infection symptoms will need to have their condition seen to as soon as possible. Bladder infections are not just uncomfortable, they have the likely to be life threatening. You must realize that ignoring your bladder infection symptoms will not make them disappear. On the contrary these symptoms will gain until you have no alternative but to have it medically tended to.There are a few remedies that you can try to relieve your bladder infection symptoms. Drinking lots of water is one such method that will flush out the bladder infection symptoms from your system. The other method that you can try is that of drinking or Taking cranberry. The cranberry that you take in this case must be composed only of cranberries.Likewise these natural remedies you can also take antibiotics. These medications must be taken for the full course otherwise the bacterium will reoccur. Consequently when you have the bladder infection symptoms you should treat this infection until it has wholly disappeared.Thank you for Taking the time to read my article it is greatly appreciated. Try searching through my other articles. Michael Malega presents several bladder infection symptoms articles for your information. You can visit Michael's network site at:

About the author:
Michael Malega presents several bladder infection symptoms articles for your information. You can visit Michael's network site here bladder infection symptoms