herbal sleep aids

By:vijaya lakshmi

Here is a just try to make the people educate themselves about the disease. ya its true they might be knowing about it but making them aware again and again to not get infected with this disease.

• Do you realize that the allopathic medication does nothing to keep your body stamina?
• Do you think that you need a better way to cure the life threatening fatal disease?
• Do you want to get rid the disease and cure it in a natural way with less cost?
• Do you think that the western medicine only treats symptom not the cause?
• Do you want to have the life spam get increased and lead a life of 80 ?
• Is you or your loved one have lost hope of curing your the chronic disease?
• Have you wasted your money in trying for the unnecessary lotions and ointments for curing it?

If the answer is yes for these questions then you have changed your mind and turned up yourself to have the treatment with the medications which are curable with no harm and side effects that is the dietary supplements. So ultimately you have chosen a right place for your medications which are tried, tested and the proven ones with no side effects and no harm.

When we see the stats of the chronic diseases like aids, cancer and others are increasing in number than decreasing. This happens due to these main things that are improper diet, lack of nutrition, breathing impure air, having junk foods, getting addicted to the bad habits and many more. The people are really not thinking of the healthy living they just want to lead the life of their wish. And this is the main reason why the man is getting affected with such chronic diseases.

HIV AIDS is an infectious disease which causes lots of death in the world wide. This is deadly disease where the person battles with the life and death. He fights for the survival and getting rid of the disease. But this fatal disease does not allow them to lead a life. It goes on killing the person with depression or any with other reasons.

What is HIV and AIDS?
The word HIV stands for Human Immune Deficiency Virus and AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus. The HIV is a viral that uses the nutrients and energy provided by the human cells to grow and reproduces to infect the human cells. AIDS is the next final stage of HIV which makes breakdowns the immune system of the human body and makes unable to fight against infections or the other illness. But sometimes it takes decade or two to turn out from HIV to AIDS if the person has started to undergo the medical care. The symptoms may not be seen for years together to some they may get it later also.

This disease can be seen even in man, woman or even children. According to the estimates of the United Nations HIV/ AIDS says that there are approximately 40 million of HIV/AIDS sufferers. But this is not getting an end at all. Day by day this disease is increasing in the people. They are getting affected with it in one or the other way. This disease has killed millions of people and have left millions of the children as orphans away from the love of parents. It has made its wide by conquering the place of the deadly diseases like malaria and tuberculosis. The wide spread of this disease in the world has made it to stand in the fourth position for the more death causes in the present generation.
The transmission of this disease is as follows:
• Unprotected sexual intercourse with the positive person either vaginal or anal
• Unprotected oral sex with the someone who has HIV
• Sharing needles and syringes with someone who has HIV without sterilizing it
• Infection during pregnancy
• Mother to child in the womb
• Breast feeding to the baby
• From a blood transfusion from positive person to healthy person

How it this HIV not got transmitted. This is not an easy transmitted virus from one person to another person.
• It cannot be transmitted from one to another through food or air(that is for instance by coughing or sneezing)
• It cannot get affected with the casual and regular contact with the affected person
• It doesn’t cause by using the utensils, clothes, bathroom facilities of the positive person
• It cannot enter the body only by a hug or giving kiss (not the deep prolonged French kiss) to a positive person
• It cannot transmitted through the mosquito, flea and other insects bite
• It cannot get established into the body through the sweat, tears, vomit, feces or the by the urine of the positive person
• From donating the blood to others

How to prevent the disease from
• Not sharing the needles and syringes which are used to inject drugs after used by a person either he may be a positive or not
• Not to have sexual intercourse with many and if you have then their is an urge to use the protection condom during it