Altace - What You Should Know About Altace
- By:Robert Black
Altace is a well-known prescription drug regularly advised by doctors as an answer to the problems of hypertension, or as it is better known, high blood pressure. However it is important that before beginning a course of treatment we get as much information as possible about this drug, examine its claims, its successes but also we should be aware of any side effects and what we can do to minimize them. In this article we will take a look at how Altace works, who should and shouldn't use it, and investigate potential side effects.
How does Altace work?
Firstly it is useful to be aware that Altace is also known as Tritace or Ramipril. This drug is one of a group known as ACE inhibitors (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme). These enzymes go to work in the body and help to create a protein called Angiotensin II which can cause constriction of the blood vessels, leading to a higher blood pressure. Because it is an inhibitor, Altace reduces the amount of Angiotensin II produced inside the body, thereby lowering the blood pressure.
Who should take Altace?
This treatment is generally prescribed for those suffering from high blood pressure, and as a preventative to those looking to reduce their cardiovascular risk or suffering myocardial infections. From several studies undertaken it would seem to have the highest success rate in people over the age of 55, indeed it is claimed to be the only ACE inhibitor that has successfully reduced the risk of heart attacks in this age group. It is also at the top of the list of ACE inhibitors prescribed by American endocrinologists and cardiologists. So, those are the up sides, now what about the possible down sides?
Who should emphatically not take Altace?
Because drugs as strong as Altace go to work on the heart, it is important to respect that our bodies are all different and sometimes this product is not the right one. Pregnant women, despite on occasion being susceptible to high blood pressure problems, should not take this medication since there are potential risks to the unborn child. If a woman has already started a course of treatment and subsequently becomes pregnant, she should immediately stop taking Altace.
Before embarking on a course of this drug, check with your doctor to make sure you are not allergic to ACE inhibitors or if you have previously taken another ACE inhibitor and had serious side effects. If you fall into this category then look for another solution to cure your hypertension.
While not automatically excluding you from taking Altace, if you are already taking potassium supplements, be sure to discuss this with your health care provider who may advise a different course of action. Diuretics, or water pills, should not be combined with this medication.
What are the potential side effects to look out for?
Serious side effects with Altace are actually quite rare. Generally if there are any side effects they will occur at the start of the course and will be minor. Watch out for:
" Nausea and vomiting
" Sleep problems such as insomnia, or even the opposite reaction of excessive sleepiness or drowsiness
" Mild skin rashes
" Coughing
These are actually insignificant and should disappear very quickly. However, if they persist or get worse then consult your doctor. On the other hand if you experience any of the following:
" Rapid increase in weight
" Fainting
" Fever or flu-like symptoms
" Chest pain
Immediately stop taking Altace and see your physician, these are much more serious side effects.
In conclusion, as you already know many people have benefited from Altace as a helpful weapon in the fight against high blood pressure. Its success rate particularly in the over 55 age bracket is well documented, as is the use of this medication to prevent cardiovascular issues. As with all powerful prescription drugs, you should make yourself aware of any side effects, monitor your reaction on a regular basis and act on the advice of your doctor. Having said that and having taken sensible precautions you should find Altace to be a pretty effective treatment to overcoming high blood pressure problems.
About the author:
Robert H Black is an enthusiastic researcher of blood pressure treatments including Altace. He runs a successful website dedicated to exposing the truth about various drugs used to fight blood pressure problems. To get more great free tips, special discount deals and much more, go to Robert's site at