Alternative Medicine - Effective Uses of Acupuncture
- By:Richard Bean
In light of his new book being released, “Acupuncture Desk Reference”, David J. Kuoch, LAc details effective acupuncture treatments for 5 different symptoms:
Arthritis is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, and each type is characterized by joint and musculoskeletal pain, often the result of inflammation of the joint lining. Arthritis affects hundreds of millions of people across the globe. Approximately 50% of people older than 65 live with arthritis, but it can affect people of all ages, even young children. Although symptoms vary in each person, those with arthritis find that the condition will interfere with daily activities at some point. Due to the pain and stiffness, patients may have trouble getting out of bed, writing, sewing, buttoning clothes, dressing, walking, and climbing stairs, for example. But this is not always the case. Some days are better than others, and the severity of symptoms can change from day to day. Sometimes living with the loss of function and movement is more difficult than the pain of arthritis itself.
Acupuncture alleviates pain and improves movement for patients suffering from it, whether it is arthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder, hand or back. The effectiveness applies to both rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) conditions, and treatments focus on controlling the painful symptoms as well as balancing the immune system. The majority of our patients see immediate results after just a few treatments and experience positive long-term benefits in combination with Chinese formulas and regular exercise.
Lower Back Pain
Acupuncture treatment for low back pain is usually rather straightforward and the condition responds extremely well to acupuncture, Chinese formulas, herbs and herbal plasters. In fact, major studies have shown that acupuncture care serves to re-establish normal health care of the low back. For cases arising out of simple overexertion, strain or knotted muscles, acupuncture increases blood flow to the afflicted area(s), relaxes the muscles, eases pain and relieves inflammation. Even arthritic joints are affected by muscle spasms and can be effectively treated. Your acupuncturist can help.
Constipation and Diarrhea
The term “constipation” can mean infrequent or hard stools, or it can refer to difficulty passing stools. Constipation may involve pain during the passage of a bowel movement, the inability to have a bowel movement after straining for longer than 10 minutes, or no bowel movements at all for more than 3 days. The most common causes of constipation include a diet with not enough fiber, lack of physical activity, stress, travel, inadequate intake of fluid each day, or delay in going to the bathroom when the urge to defecate presents itself. Other causes are IBS, pregnancy, thyroid conditions, depression, neurological diseases, or certain medications.
Constipation and diarrhea, while very common, are two of the least discussed physical complaints. The effects of irregular bowel movements are often poor food absorption, fatigue, sallow complexion, frequent break-outs, pain in the lower abdomen, upset in appetite and weight control, and more. When someone is not eliminating their waste at a regular rate and consistency, it is a sign of a deeper imbalance within the body.
Regular acupuncture combined with Chinese herbs can have a positive effect on gastrointestinal motility. The treatment will either be used to relax a more spastic colon or to stimulate peristalsis. Within the concepts and theories of TCM, there is a more complete method of interpreting digestive disorders. When someone has stool that is very dry or stubborn to pass, herbs will be given to moisten the intestines and long-term treatment will focus on re-establishing a moister digestive environment. When someone has chronic, explosive diarrhea that burns or causes other pain, acupuncture will help calm the large intestine and herbs will be administered to remove toxins such as bacteria or viruses and to clear heat from the digestive system. Likewise, when someone experiences chronic watery painless diarrhea, acupuncture will be used to tonify the digestive system and herbs will be administered to warm the digestion so that food is transformed into usable energy more efficiently.
For those who suffer from fibromyalgia, acupuncture is critical for keeping the body in harmony. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, fibromyalgia is generally regarded as a deficiency disorder, manifesting as a deficiency of qi, yin or yang. However, an excess can also be present, usually one of dampness or damp-heat. Treatment, in most cases, seeks to address the underlying deficiencies by moving the qi and blood and strengthening the overall visceral organs of the spleen, heart or kidney. Left untreated, this vicious cycle will continue and, over time, will lead to increased pain and muscle tightness, a loss of movement, and difficulty sleeping. Chronic fatigue is a difficult condition to address, but acupuncture and custom herbal formulas for which TCM is so justly famous and highly effective in fibromyalgia treatment.