Anal Warts Treatment Tips
- By:Juliet Cohen
Anal warts, also known as condyloma, are growths found on the skin around the anus (rectal opening), in the anal canal, or in the lower rectum. Anal warts are caused by the human papilloma virus, which is usually transmitted through contact but not necessarily through anal. Warts are benign tumors of the epidermis. It is a relatively common and bothersome condition. Most individuals who have anal warts have between 1 to 10 of them. Anal warts first appear as tiny blemishes. They can be as small as the head of a pin but they can grow larger than the size of a pea. Usually, anal warts do not cause pain or discomfort. Sometimes, patients may be unaware that the warts are present. Young adults aged 17 to 33 years are at greatest risk.
Some risk factors for developing anal warts include smoking, using oral contraceptives, having multiple partners, and an early coital age. There are several ways anal warts can be treated, depending on the location, number, and size of the warts. Treatment options include electrical cautery, surgical removal, or both. Warts that appear inside the anal canal will almost always be treated with cauterization or surgical removal. Laser surgery is another possibility, but requires local, general, or spinal anesthesia, depending on the number warts. Surgical removal, also known as excision, has the highest success rates and lowest recurrence rates. Carbon dioxide laser treatment and electrodesiccation are other options.
Trichloroacetic and bichloroacetic acids are available in several concentrations up to 80% for the treatment of condyloma acuminata. 5-flourouracil (Adrucil, Efudex, Fluoroplex) may be useful to prevent recurrence once the warts have been removed. Screening for other transmitted diseases is necessary. Take a combination of non synthetic vitamins and a combination of non synthetic minerals. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day of herbal teas. Especially teas with lemon grass, chamomile, and green teas. Apply antiviral oils topicaly with a cotton swab to the gentical warts.
Anal Warts Treatment Tips
1. Condoms give a partial protection.
2. Partners should be checked.
3. Refrain from activity until treatment is completed.
4. Applying liquid nitrogen to the wart causes a little discomfort.
5. Contact with individuals who have genital warts must be avoided.
6. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day of herbal teas.
7. Especially teas with lemon grass, chamomile, and green teas.
8. Apply antiviral oils topicaly with a cotton swab to the gentical warts.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for Diseases. She also writes articles for Makeup and Hairstyles.