Boost Your Health With Cayenne Pepper
- By:vincent Platania
Seven thousand years ago Central and South American Indians were cultivating cayenne peppers as decorative items and as valued spices. About five thousand years later, Christopher Columbus encountered the peppers on his “new world” adventures, and brought them back to Europe. Europeans substituted these pepper for the very expensive Asian black pepper. Ferdinand Magellan introduced the cayenne peppers to the Africans and Asians who quickly incorporated them into their regional dishes.
Like countless other herbs and spices, cayenne peppers have many medicinal properties. Studies have shown that, when taken topically, it can ease headaches, osteoarthritis, and pain brought on by diabetic neuropathy.
Cayenne and other red chili peppers can help reduce blood cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, while assisting the body to dissolve blood clots. Cultures that use hot peppers like cayenne liberally enjoy a much lower rate of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism.
Wanting to lose some weight – cayenne peppers can help you. They contain substances that drastically increase thermogenesis (heat production) and oxygen consumption, all key ingredients for weight loss.
Cayenne peppers contain large amounts of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of cayenne pepper provides you with almost 30 percent of your daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy lungs, intestines and urinary tracts.
Contrary to popular belief, cayenne peppers can actually ease your stomachaches and digestive disorders. These hot peppers prevent stomach ulcers with a one-two punch: first they kill harmful ulcer-causing bacteria; two, they stimulate the cells lining the stomach to secrete protective buffering juices that prevent ulcer formation.
To fully benefit from the medicinal and healthful uses of cayenne peppers, visit us at There you’ll find effective, old-fashioned remedies such as:
Internal Liniment – Uses cayenne peppers and other ingredients to sooth sour stomachs, and prevent further upsets.
Thermo Lift II 60 caplets - Uses ingredients, such as cayenne pepper, to help control appetite, boost metabolism, and increase energy.
Millennium Protein Drink Mix Vanilla – This incredible fat-burning drink contains healthful minerals, herbs, and spices, including cayenne pepper.
Visit http://www.rawleigh-products.comAbout the author:
Author Vincent Platania represents the Rawleigh Products.W.T. Rawleigh founded Rawleigh Products in the late 1800s to create a line of products that possessed both strength and quality. Visit