Camphor Oil

By:vincent Platania

Although camphor originally grew in China and Japan, the tree now flourishes in Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Madagascar, southern Europe, and even the US. A non-deciduous tree, it often grows to more than 100 feet tall: it yields red leaves that turn dark green with age; small, pale-colored flowers; and crimson berries.

Steaming the tree’s bark or wood creates a white, crystalline, and odorous substance, a substance that was once believed to hold magical properties, but now has scientifically proven medicinal qualities.

Trees that produce the real camphor grow quite slowly, and many Chinese believe that the camphor oils must not be extracted from trees under fifty years of age. In the US, we honor that tradition by extracting from leaves and twigs of the oldest trees. Unfortunately most of the camphor now used in the US is produced synthetically.

In the 13th century, Marco Polo discovered that camphor oil was highly valued by the Chinese for medicines, scent, and embalming fluid. The Spanish name for the plant comes from the Arab words "al kafur," – a clue that the oil was an essential ingredient in the Spanish/Moorish medicine chests. As part of India’s Ayurvedic medicine, camphor is used to ease muscle pain, to strengthen the heart, and to treat asthma.

Some peoples include the oil in steam vaporizers to help control coughs. Others use it in a cream or ointment from to rub onto the chest, throat, or back to help loosen mucus and relieve airway congestion.

Medicinally, camphor is known to relieve arthritic and rheumatic pains, neuralgia, and back pain. When camphor is applied to the skin as a salve, it acts as a counterirritant that stimulates nerve endings, helping to reduce the number of pain messages that reach the brain.

Results of a clinical study published in the March 2003 Journal of Rheumatology show long- term benefits of topical application of a preparation containing camphor, along with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. The research shows continuous reduction of pain resulting from osteoarthritis of the knee, with clinically significant results within four weeks.
To receive natural and effective pain relief, please click on and look for our natural and effective Camphor Balm, an old-fashioned remedy that continues to produce results. Simply rub a liberal amount of Camphor Balm to areas needing soothing relief, and enjoy a nearly pain-free day.


About the author:
Author Vincent Platania represents the Rawleigh Products.W.T. Rawleigh founded Rawleigh Products in the late 1800s to create a line of products that possessed both strength and quality. Visit