
By:vincent Platania

There’s good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Either way, we just can’t seem to avoid having too much of it. There’s simply no way that everyone can resist the temptation of tasty food. Think of the deep-fried chicken from your favorite fast food joint, or Christmas dinner’s pork roast, coated lavishly with mouth-watering gravy; the macaroni and cheese, cake, and ice cream in a friend’s birthday party. Even breakfast wouldn’t seem like breakfast at all without eggs and the dairy products that grace the table every morning.

The tastier foods are almost always high in cholesterol content. And it’s certainly tragic that such foods are either our favorites or staples in our diet, if not both. We can’t help but indulge; as some would say, it’s only the natural human reaction. But indulgence, at the same time, is dampened by the fact that cholesterol is notorious for its adverse effects to the heart and blood.

High cholesterol levels lead to atherosclerosis, the steady buildup of plaque along the insides of our arteries. Cholesterol and other fats are among the substances that make up plaque. Collectively, they restrict the flow of blood and the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from our bloodstream to the rest of the body. It’s the first stage in most, if not all, heart-related complications.

It’s no surprise then that heart disease is the leading cause of death in most Western countries. In the United States alone, 30% of deaths is attributed to heart ailments. Other deficiencies of the cardiovascular system are proven factors in even more mortalities.

But don’t contemplate about turning vegetarian just yet. Depriving yourself completely of your favorite foods isn’t the only means to lower cholesterol levels. Substances like statins, fibrates, niacin and bile acid resins are taken as medication to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. None of them, however, can remove calcified plaque from our blood vessels.

Enter chelation therapy, the solution that can address calcified plaque. Chelation is a form of treatment that administers substances that bind with and remove metals from the blood. Known as “chelators,” some of these substances can also remove calcified deposits from places where no one wants them to be – our blood vessels, obviously.

The chelator ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) is commonly used to prevent or reverse atherosclerosis. A synthetic amino acid, EDTA is either injected intravenously into the bloodstream or taken orally in the form of a liquid or gel capsules. Many of the latter have been developed and distributed since chelation therapy – and EDTA in particular – was discovered as an alternative measure against atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

The pioneering formulation for oral chelation combined EDTA with unprocessed honey, royal jelly and choice vitamins and minerals. This formula, now branded as the Original Oral Chelation (OOC), made it easier for EDTA to be assimilated into the bloodstream.

Incidentally, an improved variant of the OOC became the first effective formulation against high blood cholesterol and calcified plaque. The formula (called OC-MAX, a nod to the initial OOC) is an integration of EDTA, sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), serrapeptase enzymes (Serrazymes), and fats from plants, called plant sterols. Plant sterols reduce cholesterol absorption and production; the chelators EDTA, SHMP and Serrazymes make sure that calcified plaque, metals, and other metabolic and chemical toxins are flushed out of the body through the urine.

A good diet is still a must if anyone wanted to have healthy cholesterol levels. But supplements like what oral chelation offers further ensure that cardiovascular diseases and other problems related to high blood cholesterol don’t threaten your lifestyle, and even your life itself.


About the author:
Author Vincent Platania represents the Rawleigh Products.W.T. Rawleigh founded Rawleigh Products in the late 1800s to create a line of products that possessed both strength and quality. Visit