Critical: Know the Cause and Treatment for Genital Warts
- By:Linda Brandy
HPV or Human Papilloma Virus causes genital warts. Whilst there are 100 strains of the HPV, about 35 of them are known to infect the anus and genital areas of human beings.
A strain of HPV that infects genital and anal area can bring about pre-cancerous transformations of the cervix (in females) and may result in cancers of the cervix or uterus. HPV and the genital warts are spread through sexual intercourse and infection risk is also high amongst those, who have more than one sexual partner.
HPV is transmitted due to physical contact of genital areas, during sexual intercourse. It is important to know that the virus is not transmitted via body fluids and also HPV cannot be transmitted via blood or other extracted organs used in transplantation procedures. Use of condoms during sexual intercourse reduces the risk of HPV transmission but not 100%. Furthermore, use of birth control hormones or spermicidal supplements is not effective in checking the HPV infection.
At the outset, HPV infected persons as well as their partners should be made aware of the risk of transmitting HPV. They should be made clear that absence of external lesions does not mean that the virus cannot be transmitted, and that condoms are not 100% proof to stop transmission of the virus.
There is a need that the female partners of genital wart patients should be reminded of the significance of undergoing periodical PAP smear screening to screen any pre-cancerous conditions of cervix and cervical cancer. It is because, a pre-cancerous condition can be treated, and it will also lower the chance to transform into cervix cancer.
Since the cause of genital warts is HPV, a lot of research has been done to evolve a vaccine for HPV prevention. In this direction, there is hope in a new research done to prevent genital wart condition in females. ACIP (the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices), which is a Division of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) voted in favor of approval of the first vaccine against HPV to prevent cancer of the cervix and genital warts in women for use by the people. The members of ACIP are country experts who would advise the CDC body.
Gardasil is the vaccine and product of recent research, although not a treatment for genital warts, it aids in preventing the genital warts. The vaccine is for protecting 4 HPV strains, responsible for 90% of genital warts and 70% of cancer of the cervix. FDA also approved the vaccine for use by women in the age group of 9-26 years. There is heated political debate about whether or not this vaccine should be made a mandatory for all young girls and it is still unclear.
While the cause for genital warts is known to be HPV, it is expected that a vaccine would be developed for males too, shortly, for the treatment for genital warts. In the interim, adhering to safe sexual practices is recommended to those who suffer from genital warts as HPV is spread by sexual intercourse.
About the author:
To know about cure for the genital warts and to know other information, including primitive signs and symptoms of the genital warts along with treatment for genital warts, visit