Cure For Hemorrhoids: How To Effectively Treat This Embarrassing Complaint

By:John Tulley

If you are one among the thousands of people all over the world that need help for hemorrhoids, then you are also one among the thousands of people who will be too embarrassed to blatantly ask for it. In fact, you will most likely decide to not treat it at all, leave the hemorrhoids to eventually heal themselves, and, if you do decide to get treatment, get some herbal treatment behind your doctor’s back because your doctor might take one look at your advanced case and declare it fit for surgery, which you either are too afraid to have done, or which you can’t afford.

But stop, before you do anything that’s even more embarrassing in the long run! Consulting with a doctor really will help you cure your hemorrhoids, and if you do it in the early stages of your hemorrhoids, you can get cured even faster. True, hemorrhoids are embarrassing, but they can be treated with a lot of modern medication that will leave you free from pain soon enough. The key to getting the right treatment is to know what hemorrhoids are all about.

Like a varicose vein in your bottom, hemorrhoids are simply brought about by swollen blood vessels in your rectal area. These swollen blood vessels can be caused by a great number of different factors, but they can be made worse by hard bowels. You can get hard bowels by eating all the wrong foods: salty foods that deprive your body of water; spicy foods that are not completely digested; fast foods that have all lard and empty calories, and no fiber to help your fecal matter get moving along; and even diuretics, such as caffeine, soda, and alcohol, which can deprive your body of water much faster.

The best, natural treatment for hemorrhoids is to eat better. This means that you should put a lot more natural fiber in your diet by eating more cereals, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. These can return your fiber levels to maximum, and repopulate the good bacteria in your intestines. Your bowels, in turn, will be softer, and you will find it less painful to defecate.

Another natural treatment is to keep yourself relaxed. You can do this by sleeping regularly and staying away from stress, not lifting heavy things, and soaking yourself in a hot bath. In hemorrhoid treatment, this if often referred to as a sitz bath: here, you can raise your knees and submerge your body in warm water to allow your bottom some respite from the pain. If you find it hard to relax, consult with your doctor on possible alternative medications for relaxation, such as acupuncture or self-hypnosis.

Always keep your rectum lubricated, as this can ease your bowel movement much faster. You can do this by placing some petroleum jelly or aloe gel in the affected area. Do not rub the gel on; instead, swab it slowly and gently with a sterile cotton swab. Avoid scratching the affected area. Use only unscented, non-colored toilet paper that has been moistened beforehand to wipe your behind after you have defecated. For better results, get a bidet and use it to gently spray water onto your anal area and clean it out.

There are also herbal medications and supplements available for treating hemorrhoids. They can include various herbal creams and tablets, but you should not rely on these creams and tablets alone. Always make sure that your diet is healthy, that you are drinking a lot of water, and that you are keeping your weight at a minimum. Obesity can make the problem of hemorrhoids much worse.

Lastly, always consult with your doctor. While there is not always a single cure for hemorrhoids, your doctor can give you even more information on what kinds of treatment you can go through in order to make your situation better. Soon, you can recover from your hemorrhoids, thanks to a combination of natural cures to make you feel better.

About the author:
About the author: John Tulley writes for Alpha7 Venapro treatment for hemorrhoids web site. Our web site has more detailed information on finding a cure for hemorrhoids.