Cure For Hemorrhoids: Which Non-Invasive Treatment Will Work For Me?
- By:John Tulley
People who are suffering from hemorrhoids, whether externally or internally, usually dread going to the toilet to have a dump because they know they will be experiencing pain, burning sensation or itching. You will too if you have a swollen blood vessel blocking the waste you are trying to squeeze out of your system.
Hemorrhoids, which are also commonly known as piles, are inflamed veins located either on your rectum or anus. Although it is quite a common condition, with almost 50% of adults over 50 years old suffering from them, it is not really much talked about. Thanks to the World Wide Web, people now can research about hemorrhoids in the comforts of their homes and offices.
There are actually home remedies that can ease the pain of hemorrhoids. One thing to remember is to eat a diet rich in fiber so that you won't be constipated and dumping would be a lot easier on your hemorrhoids. However, once you experience extreme pain and excessive and frequent bleeding, you should already have your hemorrhoids diagnosed and checked.
Non-Invasive Cures For Hemorrhoids
Surgery is actually not the only option for people who are suffering from hemorrhoids. Nowadays, there are more non-surgical ways to deal with these painful veins than ever before. Below are just some of the more commonly used non-invasive cures for hemorrhoids:
This procedure, which is also used to treat varicose and spider veins, is one of the simplest cures for hemorrhoids. In this procedure, an area near the location of your inflamed veins is injected with medicine that could help minimize the size of your hemorrhoids. However, this procedure is usually used only for small hemorrhoids.
Rubber Band Ligation
The aim of this very simple procedure, which is usually performed together with sclerotherapy, is to let hemorrhoids fall off. A doctor inserts a small band or two over your internal hemorrhoids in order to prevent blood from circulating in the affected area. The portion that is pinched or choked off usually falls of within days. Rubber Band Ligation is actually one of the most common procedures in the US because it is effective and safe.
Hemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation (HAL)
Much like the rubber band ligation, the aim of HAL is to bind the hemorrhoids to prevent blood from flowing to the inflamed veins. However, instead of using a tiny rubber band, a thread and a needle, which is inserted just underneath the main vessel, is used to apply a ligature externally.
In this procedure a therapeutic wave that is produced by an electric current is applied or flushed directly on the inflamed hemorrhoids, usually the internal kind. This will result in a chemical response that will supposedly dissolve or shrink the swollen blood vessels.
Infrared light
This type of treatment makes use of infrared light to stop blood from flowing into the inflamed blood vessels. This procedure is ideal for tiny internal hemorrhoids that have already started to bleed.
This is a relatively new method of curing or treating hemorrhoids. Just like the other non-invasive cures, the goal of stapling is to prevent blood circulation on the affected area. Although this is also one of the relatively easy and painless procedures, only a few prefer this method because there is a huge chance for prolapse or recurrence.
Whatever type of cure for hemorrhoids or treatment you undergo, the most important thing to remember is to discuss with your doctor about ways on preventing another recurrence of this condition. For sure, you don't want to risk ever experiencing the excruciating pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids again.About the author:
About the author: John Tulley writes for Alpha7 Venapro hemorrhoids treatments web site. Our web site has more detailed information on finding an effective cure for hemorrhoids.