Environmental Therapies - Clinical Ecology
- By:Richard Bean
The Belief that our environment can affect our health is not new. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of modern medicine (today's physicians still respect the Hippocratic Oath even if they no longer take it), recorded the beneficial and harmful effects of certain foods in the 5th century B.C.
Today our bodies face a daily assault undreamed of by the ancient Greeks: our crops are sprayed with pesticides, our food is packed with preservatives, and the air we breathe is often full of gasoline fumes and pollution.
The overall effect on our bodies is a weakened immune system that makes us even more susceptible to allergies and sensitivities. Air pollution is one of the worst problems, caused by industries, agriculture, power stations, aerosols and other chemicals, coal and other fires. As a result we suffer from headaches, respiratory tract infections and ailments, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, eye problems, and eventually a profound breakdown in health manifested by various cancers. Other environmental hazards include lead from gasoline which causes hyperactivity birth defects - acid rain, carbon monoxide poisoning, water pollution, and radiation.
Clinical ecologists treat illnesses and disorders that they believe stem from an individual's reaction to these environmental factors. They practice what is known as environmental medicine, and they estimate that between 10 and 30 percent of the population suffer from some form of ecological illness.
he Natural Choice Directory glossary of enviromental, health and spritual terms.
Acupressure— This technique stimulates specific acupuncture points through applying pressure with the fingers or hands.
Acupuncture— In 1997, the National Institutes of Health officially recognized acupuncture as an effective treatment for pain and nausea. Acupuncturists insert specially made needles into specific points to stimulate the body's natural energy. Licensed in Washington and more than 30 other states, acupuncturists work as independent providers of health care for a range of conditions from pain management to women's health problems.
Aikido— The Japanese name of this martial art literally means "the way of spiritual harmony." Like tai chi, Aikido exercises emphasize harmony and grace of movement.
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy— This growing and wide-ranging field combines counseling with bodywork. Practitioners believe the most effective changes come when they involve all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Massage, movement techniques, breathing and body awareness are emphasized.
Bowenwork— The original Bowen Technique was developed in the 1950's by the late Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia. Bowenwork is a gentle, non-invasive form of bodywork. Subtle moves performed over the muscles and connective tissue send messages deep into the body stimulating the nervous system to reset and initiate healing.
Clinical ecologists believe that foods are still the most common environmental factors causing illness. They identify the particular foods or chemicals to which an individual is sensitive and advise on treatment. The simplest treatment is to avoidu the foods and chemicals that cause problems. Howeer, people are often sensitive to several different substances. If these are foods, removing them all the diet could lead to nutritional problems; if these sensitivity is to a very common environmental pollutant,or to a chemical with which an individual works. it may be practically impossible to avoid. In this case tretment concentrates on desensitizing the individual.
Desensitization involves diluting the troublesome foods or chemicals and placing drops of the solution under the tongue. Solutions of varying strengths are used until a tolerance level is established. Then it will usually be possible to withstand limited exposure to the harmful food or chemicals.About the author:
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