Facial Rashes Treatment Tips

By:Juliet Cohen

Skin rashes is a common skin discomfort which causes small red spots, redness and itchiness. It can happen anywhere is your skin – your face, your hands, your legs, your body. Facial rashes, by virtue of their visibility, can cause significant distress to the patient and this should never be underestimated. Skin rashes come in all forms and sizes. Some are raised bumps; others are flat red blotches. Some are itchy blisters; other are patches of rough skin. Most rashes are harmless and clear up on their own within a few days. A few may need medical attention. The skin is one of the first areas of the body to react when exposed to something you or your child is allergic to. Skin rashes causes redness or inflammation; skin lesion; rubor; skin rash; erythema which changes the color or texture of your skin.

Often, the cause of a rash can be determined from its visible characteristics and other symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis is a rash that appears in patches of redness and scaling around the eyebrows, eyelids, mouth, nose, the trunk, and behind the ears. A rash may be caused by contact with a substance outside the body, such as poison ivy. Facial inflammatory dermatoses can be difficult to diagnose in their early stages; skin biopsy may help but often shows indeterminate features. Treatment depends on the form of the rash and on the source of the rash. Keep your skin well-moisturized throughout the day but avoid moisturizers that clog the pores or are highly perfumed. Best time to apply a moisturizer: immediately after patting dry. Apply cool or lukewarm compresses to itchy or sore areas.

Self-Care for Treat Facial Rash Tips

1. Stay in a cool, dry area.

2. Put corn starch in body creases (inside elbows, etc).

3. Take a bath in cool water, without soap, every couple of hours.

4. Don't use ointments and creams that can block the sweat gland pores.

5. Apply calamine (not Caladryl) lotion to the very itchy spots.
6. Apply cool or lukewarm compresses to itchy or sore areas.

7. Keep your skin well-moisturized throughout the day.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for acne home remedies and skin diseases. She also writes articles for natural skin care.