Grover's Disease Treatment Tips
- By:Juliet Cohen
Grover's Disease is also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis. Grover's disease is a skin condition affecting the chest and back. Grover's disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis) is appears suddenly as itchy red spots on the body, most often in older men. It often starts quite suddenly and is more common in winter than in summer. It results in small red, bumpy spots (papules) on the central back, mid chest and occasionally elsewhere. Although frequently itchy, it may cause no symptoms. The spots may be blistered, crusted or eroded. There may be slight bleeding. Grover's disease often starts quite suddenly. It results in very itchy spots on the central back, mid chest and occasionally elsewhere. Frequently, it follows sweating or some unexpected heat stress.
Sometimes, grovers disease can be complicated by the development of dermatitis, usually in a nummular pattern i.e with round or oval-shaped plaques. Symptoms of Grover's disease are characterized by an itchy eruption that may last an average of 10-12 months. Slight bleeding may occur sometime. Generally bleeding occurs when there is a lot of scratching. The most important thing about Grovers disease treatment is to remain cool, as further sweating will induce more itchy spots. Minor outbreaks can be controlled with prescription strength topical cortisone creams. More troubling eruptions usually clear up after taking Accutane or Tetracycline pills for one to three months. Apply a mild topical steroid such as hydrocortisone in a cool lotion. It can be applied frequently to the affected areas to relieve itching.
Calcipotriol cream has been reported to be of benefit. Phototherapy can be helpful, but may also stimulate the disease. Moisturising creams are also helpful. Oral retinoids such as acitretin or isotretinoin have been reported to be helpful. A course of tetracycline or an oral antifungal medication such as itraconazole helps some patients. Retinoids, such as vitamin A 50,000 U 3 times a day for 2 weeks then daily for up to 12 weeks or isotretinoin 40 mg/day for 2-12 weeks, may be effective. Avoidance of heat and heavy exercise can help control the rash. Applying talc baby powder to the areas several times a day will help prevent recurrences. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier will often help prevent flare-ups of Grover’s disease.
Grover's Disease Treatment Tips
1. Moisturising creams are also helpful.
2. Remain cool, as further sweating will induce more itchy spots.
3. Apply a mild topical steroid such as hydrocortisone in a cool lotion.
4. A course of tetracycline or itraconazole helps some patients.
5. Phototherapy can be helpful, but sometimes provokes the disease.
6. Experimentally, oral retinoids such as acitretin or isotretinoin can be helpful.
7. Avoidance of heat and heavy exercise can help control the rash.
8. Applying talc baby powder to the areas several times a day will help prevent recurrences.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care and hair care. She also writes articles for celebrities hairstyles.