Health Risks of Low Carb diets
- By:Juliet Cohen
Low-carbohydrate diets is nutritional programs that advocate restricted carbohydrate consumption. The term low-carbohydrate diet today is most strongly associated with the Atkins Diet. The essence of the Atkins' system is to provide a series of dietary phases through which the majority will pass sequentially, as they successfully lose their excess weight. Additional diets are provided for people who cannot follow the majority route, such as those with a high metabolic resistance and those with food intolerances. Another related diet type, the low-insulin-index diet, is very similar except that it is based on measurements of direct insulemic responses to food rather than glycemic response. Low carb diets are based on the principle that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to decreased production of body’s insulin.
People diet for two primary reasons, to lose weight, or to improve health--or both. A cut on all carbohydrate from the diet and increased protein and fat intake. Cut on things like pasta, bread, rice and alcohol, yet unlimited amounts of meat, cheese and butter are suggested to eat. In general, on a low-carb diet it is not necessary to count calories. The Atkin's diet claims to clear up all manner of ailments, but the bottom line is these diets are lacking in nutrients essential for good health and the high level of protein puts a huge strain on your kidneys. Low carb diets are also likely to encourage yo-yo dieting, cycles of losing and regaining weight, which has been shown to be a health risk. In some cases, for those who are metabolically resistant, reducing total food intake may help to stimulate or maintain weight loss. High-protein, low-carb diets advocate consuming more protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, fish and cheese, potatoes and pasta.
Eating carbohydrates throughout the day causes a constant release of insulin, making cells less receptive to the effects of it. The lowered intake of dietary fiber that often accompanies dramatically reduced carbohydrate intake can result in constipation if not supplemented. Ketosis is another possible side-effect of this diet. Low-carbohydrate diets could inherently cause weakness or fatigue .Low-carb eating even seemed to be protective against heart disease when vegetables were the main sources of fat and protein in the diet. Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis. A low-carb diet and an increased risk of gout seems obvious. Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid in the body. A diet comprised of foods rich in purines are later broken down into uric acid in the body.
Risks of Low Carb Diets
1. Arthritis.
2. Diabetes
3. Cancer.
4. Weight loss.
5. Weakness.
6. Fatigue.
7. Heart disease.
8. Gall Bladder ProblemsAbout the author:
Juliet Cohen writes health articles for acne home remedies and acne care treatment. She also writes articles for health care blog.