Herbal Home Remedies For Genital Warts Treatment
- By:Richard Bean
Genital warts also known as condylomata acuminate or venereal warts, are caused by Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV). They generally occur around the genital area like anus, cervix, penis, rectum, scrotum, vulva and vagina. They are either flat or cauliflower-like shaped.
When you ask how do I get rid of genital warts naturally, the first option you are typically presented with is topical treatments. When look for holistic treatment remedies most resources will tell you to remember that different remedies will work for different people so you will often have to do a little trial and error in order to find the natural treatment that meets your needs. So when you ask yourself how do I get rid of genital warts naturally you should remember that isn’t just one simple cure, rather try the following topical treatments to see if one works for you.
The first option is goldenseal which is thought to have natural antibiotic properties and may destroy several forms of viral infections. Then there is tea tree oil which is a strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial aromatherapy essential oil. People commonly use aloe vera since it has both healing and soothing properties. Garlic oil or raw garlic is believed to promote white blood cells and their ability to fight against infection. Last there is sour apple juice which is believed to work because of the magnesium in the apple.
Home remedies for Genital Warts:
The first and simplest remedy is to simply keep the affected area clean and dry. Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the same virus that causes all warts, and it thrives in moist areas. Care should be taken to prevent trauma to the area, as this can cause irritation, bleeding, and further infection, which will slow the body�s natural ability to heal the wart. Picking or squeezing the warts should be avoided as well, as this can cause irritation.
* Use a heat lamp or a hair dryer several times a day to dry your genital area. Make sure to hold the lamp or dryer at least 18 inches from your skin.
* Apply oil (vitamin E) on the genital warts affected area and put some chopped raw garlic pieces on it and cover using an adhesive tape.
*Make juice from onion slices covered overnight with salt and apply it on the affected area till the warts disappear. Apply milky juice of figs’ stem two to three times a day. Apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area using cotton ball.
* Take sitz baths. Fill a tub with a few inches of warm water and sit in it for 10-15 minutes every day.
*Milkweed a weed that is wide spread across North America; the fresh milky sap of the leaf or stem is applied directly to warts once a day. Usually works dramatically; non-irritating, does not affect normal skin.
Diet also has an effect on your genital warts. Changing your diet can help them disappear. In particular, beta carotene and folic acid help fight warts. These are found in abundance in radishes, mangos, squash and tomatoes. Red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables often contain these acids. Leafy green vegetables also help. A diet with lots of cabbage or spinach is good for getting rid of warts. Caffeine and cigarettes are bad for you immune system and may keep your warts from going away.About the author:
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