Herbal Medicines For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- By:Richard Bean
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS), and Post Viral Syndrome (PVS), appears to be on the increase and still poses a problem to many physicians. Some people believe ME is due to a chronic infection from Epstein-Barr virus, but the triggers that spark off the disease are varied. In many cases it follows a viral infection, but vaccination or other hormonal and genetic influences may play a part.
Its wide range of symptoms makes ME difficult to diagnose except by the elimination of other possible diseases. The most common symptoms are chronic fatigue, recurrent sore throat and muscle aches, lymph node swelling, weakness, intestinal discomfort and digestive difficulties, headaches, loss of concentration, visual disturbances, and depression. Symptoms may go on for months or even years.
Treatment inevitably depends on the individual symptoms, but a combination of physical and emotional treatments may be helpful in this condition where conventional medicine has little to offer.
Essential oils, used both for massage and in the bath, an relaxing and help relieve stress and depression. Lavender (antiviral), grapefruit (for depression), rosemary and juniper (for muscular aches), and marjoram (for anxiety) are particularly effective. Many others would be appropriate for different symptoms.
Herbal Medicine Golden seal and echinacea may be helpful remedies.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Diet And Nutrition Follow a healthy diet, avoiding processed foods, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol. Eat plenty of slow-release carbohydrates, such as pasta, to keep sugar levels constant, and high-energy snacks such as bananas. Evening primrose oil may be helri use a product from a recognized manufacturer and the required daily dose. It may take several months show any effect.
ME sufferers appear to be significantly low in the mineral magnesium, the amino acid 1-taurine, and the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), American alternative physicians claim to have had good results within days with DHEA and intravenous vitamin C.A combination of evening primrose oil and fish oill raise the levels of essential fatty acids also appears have had good results. In moderation, B complex vitamins, zinc, and the antioxidants vitamin C and beta carotene may also be of use.
There is hot debate as to whether food allergy plays a part in ME (some sufferers have a milk intolerance). If an allergy is suspected, try excluding one item at a time. It is unwise to cut null many foods at once. Chocolate and citrus fruits common culprits for the irritable bowel symptoms experienced by some patients. In the past some ME patill have harmed themselves by eating an unbalanced diet and overdosing on too many vitamins and minerals. The involvement of the candida infection in ME is also contentious. Some nutritionists believe that balance of the organisms in the intestinal tract is disturbed in ME, causing an overgrowth of candida and intestinal problems.
Homeopathy This has been shown to have good effects on some ME sufferers; the results of the first major trial of homeopathic treatment of ME are currently being analyzed. It is essential to note that ME is a complex disease requiring professional homeopathic treatment.
Reflexology This therapy is valuable in treating aches and pains, especially when the joint itself is too painful to be touched.
Traditional Chinese Medicine This treatment approaches ME from a different direction, focusing on integrating the physical and mental areas. It involves the use of herbs such as astragalus, as well as massage and chi kung (self-healing therapy).
Acupuncture This may also be helpful.
Counseling And Hypnotherapy Emotional support and relaxation are essential in coping with this very stressful and depressing condition.
Meditation, Yoga, And Relaxation Techniques Any of these may help a patient come to terms with this chronic illness. They can help sufferers to remain fit yet as relaxed as possible.About the author:
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