Herbal Medicines For Eye Problems

By:Richard Bean

Severe problems with eyes should always be referred to a specialist, but alternative therapies can support orthodox treatment and may be very useful in conditions that affect the eyelids and tear glands. When treating infections and inflammations of the eyes, wash your hands between treating each eye, and use fresh materials so that you do not transfer infection from eye to eye.


Conjunctivitis symptoms are red, itchy eyes; a yellow discharge; and inflammation around the eye or eyelid. It is normally caused by infection or allergy and is not serious except in newborn babies.


Herbal Medicine Herbal eye baths made from infusions of eyebright (euphrasia), chickweed, elderflower, or camomile flowers are a soothing, effective treatment.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Argentum nit. 6c for "gritty eyes" or Pulsatilla 6c for itchy eyes with a discharge.

Eyesight Problems

Hazy vision, difficulty in reading, tired eyes, headaches are all types of eyesight problems. They may be the result of vision problems, high blood pressure, and eyestrain, among other factors.


Yoga Candle gazing is a beneficial yoga exercise for eyestrain. Sit comfortably and gaze at a candle about 3ft/1m away, without blinking, for ten seconds. Palm for 30 seconds, then resume gazing with one eye only then the other, then together, turning the head Gradually increase the time (20 then 30 seconds) over several weeks.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy Specifie remedies to be taken for eyestrain include: Arnica, when the muscles, are tired; Natrum mur., when eyes ache upon looking lip down or around; Ruta grav., when the eyes burn or feel strained after close work or reading; Phosphorus, tired eyes are associated with great nervousness and apprehension.

The Bates Method This is designed to strengthen the eye muscles and rectify vision problems as a natural alternative to wearing glasses.


Cataracts cause cloudy, distorted vision resulting from, changes in the protein makeup of the lens. They are most common in old age, but may be caused by iritis, babies are born with cataracts.


Diet And Nutrition Research suggests that vitamins B2 and C can help improve the condition in which sight deteriorates as the lens becomes opaque. Supplementing with vitamin E and the antioxidant mineral selenium can help rectify dietary deficiencies that can exacerbate the condition.

Homeopathy Specific remedies include Phosphorus, when there is a sensation of mist being pulled across the eyes; Calcarea, for the early stages, with circular lines visible in the lens; Silica, for the later stages, when cataract begins to interfere with sight.


Gradual loss of vision, aching pain in and above the eyes, seeing "rings" around lights are the symptoms of glaucoma. The disease is caused by a buildup of fluid in the front chamber of the eye. Glaucoma may be asymptomatic and vision may be lost before the sufferer is aware of the disease. If there is a family history of glaucoma, ensure regular screening by an optician.


Hydrotherapy Home hydrotherapy treatment offers immediate relid - place alternate hot and cold face towels over the eyes.

The Bates Method These exercises can also be used to treat this condition.

Homeopathy Take Belladonna 30c every 15 minutes for up to ten doses when symptoms start.


Squint is the inward or outward turning of the eye or eyes. In adults, squint is normally caused by damage to the eye muscles or the motor nerves that control the eye muscles, usually the result of diabetes, high blood pressure, brain tumor, or brain injury. In children, squint should be treated before the affected eye becomes lazy and ineffective.


The Bates Method Minor squints can be successfully treated with the Bates Method.

Yoga Palming relaxes the eye muscles and improves squints. Rest with your arms on a table and rub your hands together. Cup hands over closed eyes, shutting out all light, and relax for 20 seconds while being aware of visual sensations. Repeat at least twice a day.

Homeopathy Specific remedies include Gelsemium 6c and Alumina 6c.

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Read out for home remedies. Check out herbal life and asthma treatment