Herbal Medicines For Neck Injuries

By:Richard Bean

Pain that is experienced in the nape of the neck may spread into the shoulder blades or upward into the neck to give "tension" headaches, tired eyes, or jaw pain. Whiplash injury and stiff neck are the two most common forms of neck injury.

Whiplash Injury

Whiplash is the result of any accident producing an unexpected rapid shunt forward and back from behind. The spine is briefly flicked forward, reacting by snapping backward like a cracking whip. The head is the end of the whip so maximum strain is absorbed by the soft tissues of the neck. The whole spine, including the pelvis, is affected. Whiplash commonly occurs when a stationary car is struck from behind.

Symptoms may occur immediately or may be delayed for some time; they include pain, stiffness in the neck, headaches, impaired vision, vague aching, weakness, and pins and needles in the shoulder blades, arms, and hands. Depression and anxiety may also result from whiplash injury.


It is important to see a conventional medical doctor to ensure that no long-term damage has been done to the spine and/or neck. Following diagnosis of whiplash, a number of alternative therapies may be useful.

Diet and Nutrition High doses of calcium pantothenate may relieve stiffness. A good vitamin and mineral supplement can encourage healing.

Aromatherapy Sweet marjoram and rosemary may be used to relieve pain, through massage, or by drops added to the bath.

Homeopathy Arnica can be taken for up to six doses, every five minutes following the accident, and then Ilypericmn, four-hourly, for up to three days.

Hydrotherapy Ice packs alternated with hot compresses will encourage healing and relieve pain.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Massage, Acupunture, and Alexander Technique These treatments can help to alleviate pain and restore normal movement as quickly as possible. However, they should not be used if there is a fracture of the vertebrae.

Stiff or "Cricked" Neck

A stiff neck is characterized by spasm of the neck muscles. Pain may be constant, and particularly severe upon twisting the neck and drawing the head to one side. The acute pain and stiffness may be caused by injury, sleeping awkwardly, or stress. Acute stiffness may be a symptom of meningitis.


Hydrotherapy Use hot and cold compresses to encourage healing and relieve discomfort.

Reflexology Address treatment to the point where the big toe joins the foot, on the sole of the left foot. Rotation of the big toes may help.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy, Alexander Technique, Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Acupuncture Manipulation therapies are invaluable for the treatment of the majority of back pain, relieving nerve pressure and generally improving body mechanics.

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