Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers - Treat Mouth Ulcers
- By:Richard Bean
Most mouth ulcers resolve themselves in less than a week. Only the most severe and stubborn cases where there are multiple lesions and extreme pain may call for more vigorous action. Normally various home remedies for mouth ulcer treatment will suffice.
Mouth ulcers are an indication of a run down condition and are best treated by improving the overall general health. They commonly occur after a course of antibiotics or recovering from influenza. Orthodox medicine puts them down to viruses - but I doubt this. They almost certainly are a form of allergy or sensitivity.
Mouth ulcers can be caused by a wide range of factors including:
* Accidental biting of the cheek.
* Injury from a toothbrush (such as slipping while brushing).
* Constant rubbing against misaligned or sharp teeth.
* Constant rubbing against dentures or braces.
* Poor oral hygiene.
Symptoms of Mouth Ulcer
Symptoms of Mouth Ulcer could be many but the primary signs of Mouth ulcer could be pain in mouth and difficulty in swallowing food items. Fever could also be present in some cases and foul odor could not be ruled out as symptoms of mouth ulcer.
Home Remedies For Canker Sores (Mouth Ulcer)
#Drink non sweetened chamomile tea all day and dont eat any solid food but tea.
# Drink unpasteurized goats' milk.
# Blanch salvia and use as a mouth rinse.
#Eat 3 kiwis a day.
#Apply Aloe Vera juice as a mouth rinse.
# For mouth ulcer treatment apply hydrogen peroxide (1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water with a cotton swab) on the canker sore
# Pouring salt directly on the ulcer can prove effective, however this can be extremely painful and can scar.
# Rinse mouth and especially the affected area with sage tea 3 times a day. The improvement can be seen within 24 hours.
# Gargle a mouthful of warm vinegar with half tablespoon of salt for about 30 secs, 3 times a day. Extremely painful but healing can be seen in about 2 days.
# Make a paste of baking soda and water—apply directly to the sores
How can I prevent them?
Practise good dental hygiene, taking care not to damage your teeth and gums. Visit the dentist every six months for a check-up.
You also need a healthy diet that enables your immune system to stay strong and resist infections. It should be rich in: vitamin C from fresh fruit; B vitamins from wholegrain bread, milk and potatoes; iron from lean red meat and leafy green vegetables; and zinc from seafoods, wholegrain bread and cereals.About the author:
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