Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Relief
- By:Juliet Cohen
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments known in both men and women. Hemorrhoids are common. In the USA, the prevalence is about 4.4%. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in your rectum. Hemorrhoids develop from 2 different places. There are 2 sets of veins that drain the blood from the lower rectum and anus. It is estimated that approximately one half of all Americans have had this condition by the age of 50, and that 50% to 85% of the worlds population will be affected by hemorrhoids at some time in their life. Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women. The pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes, cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. These vessels are also placed under severe pressure during childbirth. For most women, however, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem. Hemorrhoids are itching, painful, or bleeding masses of swollen tissues and varicose veins located in the anus and rectum. Fortunately, hemorrhoids can be treated easily, and may be prevented in many cases.
More than half the worlds population will develop hemorrhoids mainly after the age of 30. Pregnant women due to the pressure exerted have a predisposition to develop them. Hemorrhoids are a very common condition. It has been estimated that approximately half of all Americans will have hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Cryotherapy provides the necessary relief to alleviate further severity. This cold treatment for hemorrhoids is today’s best alternative to prevent the symptoms, without any side effects, caused by hemorrhoids; such as pain, itching, and the discomfort that the swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins will cause. Hemorrhoids can be removed surgically while the patient is sedated and pain-free (local or spinal anesthesia) or deep asleep and pain-free (general anesthesia). Sclerotherapy-A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoidectomy-Occasionally, extensive or severe internal or external hemorrhoids may require removal by surgery known as hemorrhoidectomy.
Hemorrhoids are caused from an increase in venous pressure by straining to have a bowel movement and cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. Rutin will shrink hemorroids and eliminate inflamation. Take rutin daily to keep hemorroid inflamation at a reduced level. Avoid rubbing with toilet paper. This aggravates the hemorrhoids. Wash your rear with water and gently wipe with toilet paper after you are done. Mix 1 tablespoon of Vaseline with 1 teaspoon of Flowers of Sulfur and smear on the hemorrhoids 2-3 times a day. Take 2 garlic cloves and put them in about two cups of water. Mango seeds are an effective remedy for bleeding piles. The seeds should be collected during the mango season, dried in the shade, powdered, and kept stored for use as medicine. This powder should be given in doses of about one and a half to two grams with or without honey, twice daily. A rubber band ligation, for example, involves cutting off the circulation of the hemorrhoid by placing a rubber band around its base.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Treatment Tips
1. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on the anus, relieves pain and soothes the burning sensation.
2. Use Bayberry, goldenseal root, myrrh, and white oak in a salve form to relieve pain in the hemorrhoids.
3. Brew a strong, warm tea using Lady's mantle ( yarrow ), and apply to the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball several times a day or as required.
4. Apply Witch hazel with a sterile cotton pad, 3 times daily to shrink the swollen veins.
5. Take Buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vine leaves or stone root either in capsules or tea form.
6. Apply some baking soda to help with the itch from the hemorrhoids.
7. Mix sliced onion and honey, put some on a cotton wool pad and apply on the hemorrhoids for 3 hours.
8. Chop onions and garlic cloves, put on a cotton wool pad and wait for 3 hours. Then apply on the hemorrhoids.
9. Drink 1 spoon of olive oil every morning.
10. Blanch 4gm of passion fruit to 1/4 cup of water, use a cloth to apply on the hemorrhoids.
11. Use lemon regularly to treat hemorrhoids.
12. Grind carrot or beet, put in the refrigerator, when cool put in a big cloth and drain (leave some juice); put the cloth on the hemorrhoids.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for home remedies and homemade recipes. Learn how to give first aid in emergency situations.