Home Remedies for Raynaud's Disease

By:Richard Bean

Raynaud's disease is a condition that affects the blood supply to the fingers, toes and occasionally the ears and nose. Raynaud's disease can be classified as one of two types: primary (or idiopathic) and secondary (also called Raynaud's phenomenon). Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition in which cold temperatures or strong emotions cause blood vessel spasms that block blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears, and nose. It is caused by spasms in the blood vessels reducing the flow of blood to the affected areas, and can be brought on by low external temperature or stress. Strong emotion or exposure to the cold causes the fingers, toes, ears, or nose to become white, then turn blue. When blood flow returns, the area becomes red and then later returns to normal color. The attacks may last from minutes to hours. The Raynaud’s condition can result into eschemia or incomplete flow of arterial blood to the extremities. Normally, the toes and fingers are found to have this condition.

Treatment of Raynaud's disease

Chelidonium remedy may be helpful with Raynaud's disease if the person also has a tendency toward pain. Zinziber officinalis is more commonly known as Ginger and has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine. Chinese herbalists often recommend this "hot" herb to treat conditions involving difficulties with cold, including the cold fingers caused by Raynaud's.

When an attack occurs, immerse the body part in warm (not hot) water, no warmer than 90o F. Why not warmer water? During an attack, without realizing it, one's skin can more easily burn.

Massaging the hands and fingers every evening helps reduce the severity of the attacks, by stimulating blood circulation in that area.

Veratrum album remedy may be indicated for icy coldness and paleness-even blueness-with a sensation of cramping in the tips of the extremities.

Stressful situations produce a spasm of the blood vessels. As much as possible, avoid such situations. Keep calm, cheerful, and relaxed. Plan ahead and avoid scheduling pressures. Trust in God and believe He will care for you. Vigorous outdoor exercise will strengthen the entire body, and also relax it. Exercise tends to neutralize the attitude and effects of stress.

Homeopathic Options

Arsenicum album

This remedy can be useful when the tips of the extremities are icy cold, with a burning sensation that is much relieved by heat.


If a person with Raynaud's disease has cold extremities most of the time, and feels chronically worn out and irritable, this remedy may help.

Lifestyle Changes

Most of the lifestyle changes that help people with Raynaud's aim to avoid the triggers of attacks. These triggers include cold, emotional stress, and certain medicines, chemicals, or actions. To protect the body from cold, people can:

* Wear a hat, gloves, scarf, and a coat with snug cuffs during cold weather.
* Wear gloves or mittens when taking food out of the refrigerator or freezer.

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