Home remedies for Dark Circles
- By:Juliet Cohen
Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing issue. Many people assume they're caused by not getting enough sleep, and they're right. Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. Dark circles under the eyes are the most common non-hormonal skin problem. Another cause may be bad blood circulation. Cardio exercise increases blood circulation and may help the dark circles to disappear. The area directly located under the eyes are closely related to kidneys and liver, so the appearance of dark circles may indicate problems or weakness in the kidney or liver activity. Dark eye circles could be a sign of excessive loss of water from the body.
The best way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is to eat, drink and sleep well, reduce stress and combat fatigue. There are some simple remedies that may help to diminish the appearance of dark circles and prevent them from worsening. Make a paste from a teaspoon of tomato juice, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of gram flour. Apply under eyes for 10 minutes. Apply cotton balls soaked in cucumber juice or potato juice around the eyes. Drinking good amount of water also helps in lightening the dark circles under the eyes. Take a teaspoon of tomato juice, a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder (if you are not allergic to it) and a little flour, enough to make a paste. Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes for 20 minutes.
Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 3 weeks. This is effective in reducing dark circles around eyes. Dark circles can be removed by doing pranayam daily for at least five minutes. Grate cucumber / potato and squeeze fresh juice out of gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on eyes. This relaxes eyes and relieves tiredness of eyes. Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin E for healthy eyes. Drinking good amount of water also helps in lightening the dark circles under the eyes. Exposure to sun light increases the level of pigmentation and cause tanning. Drink plenty of water (more than 15 glasses). Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles. Dip two cotton balls in rose water and place them on your eyes, covering dark circles.
Dark Circles Remedies Tips
1. Drink plenty of water (more than 15 glasses).
2. Eat fresh fruits, green vegetables which are rich in fiber.
3. Sleep well at least for 7-8 hrs daily.
4. Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation.
5. Dark circles can be removed by doing pranayam daily for at least five minutes.
6. Add some mint leaves, lemon juice, and salt to tomato juice and drink.
7. Dip cotton balls in chilled water and keep for 5-10 minutes on the eyes.
8. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for treatment of dark circles under the eyes.
9. Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin E for healthy eyes.
10. Application of cream with vitamin E and C also helps in reducing the dark circles.About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on home remedies and homemade recipes. She also writes articles on natural home remedies.