How to Recognize a Sign of Prostate Cancer
- By:Arturo Ronzon
Many men don't realize how important prostate health is until it is too late. Most men don�t even want to admit they have a prostate, let alone have a regular prostate exam. This is so important because prostate cancer is a risk that you don't want to take and when you see your doctor regularly for prostate exams, you are ensuring that if you should contract prostate cancer you will be treated at the earliest possible stages.
In the earliest stages, most men will not see a sign of prostate cancer. It is not until treatment options become limited that most men find out they have the disease. There are things that men should watch out for that can signal that there might be a sign of prostate cancer.
For those men who think there is a chance that they have a sign of prostate cancer, some things that may occur are having dull pain in the lower region of the pelvic area and you may also notice that you feel an urgent need to urinate. You may also become aware that you have some difficulty getting started urinating. Another sign of prostate cancer can be pain while you are urinating, a urine flow that is weak, and the sensation that your bladder isn�t completely empty when you do go.
Other things you may want to watch out for is urinating during the night frequently, pain when you ejaculate and sometimes even blood in your urine. Another sign of prostate cancer can be pain in your bones that is persistent, losing your appetite or losing a noticeable amount of weight and experiencing pain your hips, lower back or your upper thighs. If you notice any of sign of prostate cancer that we have mentioned, it is in your best interest to see your doctor immediately and have a prostate exam.
It is better to err on the side of caution then to allow symptoms to worsen because you are nervous about what will happen when you visit the doctor. Nothing is worse than knowing you could have prevented painful treatments had you only visited your doctor sooner.About the author:
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