How to treat bronchitis

By:Donny Doran

Bronchitis is a situation where bronchi or tubes connecting the trachea into the lungs are inflamed. Disease usually causes acute bronchitis and it can either be viral or bacterial. Although bronchitis that is chronic is caused by continuous frustration of the lungs due to smoking or protracted exposure to poisonous chemicals.

To treat bronchitis successfully there are ten simple steps that you could

1. Obtain idea to lessen your exposure to irritants and toxins. Stop smoking and avoid breathing secondhand smoke. Wait inside your house when the presence of air pollution is very high. Wear face masks to keep you sheltered from harmful chemicals and other irritants.

2. Make use of spray or humidifier to keep the air moisturized. This will aid in slow down secretion for you to breathe easier.

3. Leave a bottle with hot water on your back or chest. A wet, warm cloth can be also utilized. This decreases irritation and is very useful when applied at night before you sleep.

4. Cover your mouth and nose with your scarf particularly when you plan to go out in a cold atmosphere. Keep in mind that cold weather can make worse bronchitis.

5. Avoid the use of cough suppressants. Coughing is needed to take out secretions. Suppressants can be utilized at night.

6. Take medicines as given. If you take antibiotics to treat bacterial infection, then take its entire dosage. As much as possible complete the entire period even if you already feel better.

7. Use inhalers and aerosols as prescribed. Never use larger dosage or normally use it more than what is directed to prevent side effects.

8. Look for the advice of a general practitioner or naturopathic doctor concerning dietary supplements including Echinacea, goldenseal, zinc, colloidal silver, vitamins A and C, and coenzyme Q10.

9. Drink lots of fluids including soups, herbal teas, and water.

10. Reduce or get rid of intake of foods with higher risks of mucus formation. It includes white flour, sugar, processed foods, dairy products, and foods causing allergic reactions.

People with bronchitis have cultured successful treatment based from their experiences.

Several people find it helpful in cleaning their mucus by ingesting vinegar with cucumber. It helps in killing bacteria in the lungs and excretes mucus out of the mouth.

Charcoal slushes. Mix 4-6 teaspoon of charcoal powder with water adequate to make half-thick slush. The mixture is grainy when you drink it but it does not have any foul taste. Drink the dosage at 4 to 6 hours intervals while awake. Bacteria and germs will be absorbed by the charcoal and allow you to eliminate it in the bathroom.

Make use of frankincense, thyme, and oregano oils. Give the patient 2 drops of frankincense oil, in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening for three days. Mix this oil with the Ciaga's organic juice. For any more three days, oregano and thyme are mixed in the same manner. Pleurisy root can be an alternative. This can find again symptoms such as breath shortness thus ventilation is not anymore needed.

Gasp steam. Boil water with aromatic herbs in a pot. Turn off the stove. Use a towel to wrap your head like to a mini-steamed bath then breathe in the vapor by lowering your face on the pot carefully. It is okay if you do it upon intervals. Cooling down your face before returning. Repeat this process for several times in a day. Your phlegm will loosen because of the steam.

In some case, pounding the back with firm gentle strokes while the patient is lying down on the bed with belly down while keeping the upper parts of the body in hanging position helps. This is supportive in breaking-up or dislodging the phlegm. On the other hand, this process is not at ease and unsafe but if done correctly, the mucous plugs can be taken out through coughing.

If ever the symptoms last for more than one week, the mucus turns green, rust-colored, or yellow, severity of cough increases, and expand chest pain when coughing, then it is advised to consult a doctor. It is also suggested to ask a physician and other health care providers before engaging in activities related to diet and health. This information is not however planned to become alternatives for edical treatment or suggestion.

Read more about bronchitis

About the author:
Donny Doran a renowned medical man who has devoted his career scrutinizing and indisputably evolving cures forbronchitis. A reliable guide to bronchitis cures; Donny Doran can be addressed in other words