Kleptomania Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

By:Juliet Cohen

Kleptomania is distinguished from shoplifting or ordinary theft , as shoplifters and thieves generally steal for monetary value, or associated gains and usually display intent or premeditation, while people with kleptomania aren't necessarily contemplating the value of the items they steal or even the theft until they are compulsed. Most person's with this disorder seem to be women; their average age is about 35 and the duration of illness is roughly 16 years. Kleptomania has several different treatments. Behavior modification therapy and family therapy may be used to treat kleptomaniacs. Some medications that are used of kleptomania such as fluoxetine , fluvoxamine , paroxetine , sertraline , lithium , trazodone and Valproate.

Causes of Kleptomania

Common causes and risk factors of Kleptomania



Substance abuse ( alcoholism or drug abuse ).

Eating disorders ( anorexia or bulimia ).

Other impulse control disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Kleptomania

Sign and symptoms of Kleptomania

Repeatedly taking things that are not valuable or needed for personal use

Feeling increased tension right before the theft

Thefts are not committed as a result of delusions, hallucinations or as acts of revenge or anger

Feeling pleasure or relief at the time of the theft

The stealing is not committed to express anger or vengeance.

Treatment of Kleptomania

Common Treatment of Kleptomania

Kleptomania has several different treatments. Behavior modification therapy

Family therapy may be used to treat kleptomaniacs.

Some medications that are used for people diagnosed with kleptomania (fluoxetine , fluvoxamine , paroxetine , sertraline , lithium , trazodone and Valproate ).

Other treatment approaches involve seeing the theft as an unconscious process and analyzing it as such may assist in gaining insight and eventually extinguishing the behavior.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and skin disorders. She also writes articles on herbal home remedies.