Lichen Planus Treatment Tips

By:Juliet Cohen

Lichen planus is a disorder of the skin and mucous membranes resulting in inflammation, itching, and distinctive skin lesions. Lichen planus is a very curious skin condition, the effects of which are localized to the areas of involvement. Lichen planus may cause a small number of skin lesions or less often affect a wide area of the skin and mucous membranes.The disorder has been known to develop after exposure to potential allergens such as medications, dyes, and other chemical substances. Symptoms are increased with emotional stress, possibly because of changes in immune system during stress. Lichen planus generally affects middle age adults. It is less common in children. The initial attack may last for weeks to months, and come and go for years.

Chemicals or medications associated with development of lichen planus. More than two thirds of patients are aged 30-60 years, however, LP can occur at any age. The major point of distinction of lichen planus from eczema, psoriasis, and other common rashes is its color -- lilac or violet. Lichen planus can affect the scalp where it destroys the hair follicles causing patches of hair loss. Nails may be affected and become thin and damaged, forming a lengthways groove along the nail. Lichen planus itches with an intensity that varies in different people from mild to severe.The spots of lichen planus are flat topped and pink-purple in colour, and usually measure between 3mm and 5mm. Their surface is shiny and reflects light. Lichen planus in the mouth is sometimes due to an allergy to mercury fillings in teeth.

Oral lesions tend to last far longer than cutaneous lichen planus lesions. Patients with lichen planus are sometimes tense and nervous, and episodes of dermatitis may be temporarily related to emotional crises. Topical corticosteroids are often useful. Topical steroids such as clobetasol proprionate and betamethasone proprionate ointments are generally applied for 4 -6 week courses. Topical tretinoin cream 0.05% applied to mucosal lichen planus followed by topical corticosteroid cream may be beneficial. Other treatments include long term antibiotics, oral antifungal agents, phototherapy, acitretin, methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine. The immune modulating drugs that inhibit calcineurin, tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream. Ultraviolet light therapy may be beneficial in some cases.

Lichen Planus Treatment and Preventin Tips

1. A steroid cream or ointment is commonly use for reduce inflammation.

2. Steroid pastes or mouth washes may help to ease painful mouth ulcers if they occur.

3. Acitretin tablets have been shown to help ease symptoms in some cases.

4. Ultraviolet light therapy may be beneficial in some cases.

5. Oral corticosteroids are the most common treatment for patients lichen planus.

6. Topical retinoic acid cream reduce itching and inflammation and may aid healing.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care and hair care. She also writes articles for celebrities hairstyles.