Live a physically active life with Nandrolone decanoate

By:Rachna Sharma

With changing lifestyles and the involvement of uncertain eating and sleeping habits, human beings are facing various physical problems. Despite minor physical abnormalities, these physical problems also include major health hazards like kidney failure, heart attack, brain failure and paralysis attacks. According to a recent research, every year thousands of people are dying due to renal failure. Since diagnosing kidney damage in early stages is tough, people usually come to know about this problem very late. However, early stages of kidney disease are manageable but in most of the cases kidney problems come into light when the patient requires extreme measures like dialysis or transplantation. Usually, dialysis patients face issues related to physical performance as they have low level of physical function. It is quite true that physical performance in dialysis patients alters noticeably as their muscles and other body part do not support any physical activity completely. Indeed, there are some medicines that help in improving the physical performance level of a maintenance dialysis patient; Nandrolone decanoate is also one of those medicines that every doctor recommends for a dialysis patient.

Nandrolone decanoate is the chemical name of active component of Deca Durabolin. Deca Durabolin is a steroid which helps in increasing the metabolic activity in a dialysis patient; in fact, most of the doctors consider it as the most secure steroid as it carries least side effects. Basically, this steroid is prescribed to maintenance dialysis patients to deal with muscular disintegration and weakness. Nandrolone decanoate is a unique drug and is highly effective in improving the physical performance of a dialysis patient. Since energy malnutrition is the main reason behind weakness, this drug recovers primitive protein stores and provides the patient with the required energy to perform any physical activity.

Nandrolone decanoate is also effective in dealing with anemia and renal inefficiency as it increases hemoglobin and red cells in blood. This drug rapidly improves lean body mass, whereas resistance exercise improves only muscle strength; with this drug, many dialysis patients have realized that muscle wasting or weakness related to kidney problem can be naturally treated. For dialysis patients, clinical management can be a bit tougher without satisfactory nutritional status; however, with this drug this nutritional status of a dialysis patient can also be balanced. According to a recent study, combination of this drug and nutritional interface is very helpful in reversing the components of consequent muscle wasting and weakness.

Now there is evidence emerging that active treatment, nutrition and Nandrolone decanoate can reduce the muscle wasting level very effectively. Since some side effects are also associated with this drug, the patient should always remain in touch with his or her doctor so that the doctor may help the patient in dealing with them. Hoarseness, acne, vomiting, change in skin color are some common side effects of this drug; though these side effects are minor but one should always report his or doctor about these symptoms. In fact, this drug can help a dialysis patient in living a physically active and problem free life.

About the author:
Rachna Sharma is an expert phramacist. She has extensive knowledge various medicines and medical terminologies. If you want to know more about estradiol,spironolactone,Nandrolone decanoate,estriol and other medicines and medical terms, you can log onto