Liver Support - My Western Diet And My Liver

By:Suma G Nathan

Liver means Live! The size of a football, performing the most essential of all duties located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. Weighing in at about 3.3 lbs, It's a chemical storage factory of shipping and receiving. About one quarter of the detoxification of our bodies occurs in the intestines. Dr. Christophers Formulas has an Herbal Cleansing Kit, consisting of bottles of Lower Bowel Formula, Liver and Gall Bladder, with Kidney and Blood Stream. A very intense Cleansing Kit for those with special and drastic health issues. Liver is sitting behind the lower ribs on the right hand side of the abdomen disposing of ammonia, which is a byproduct of protein metabolism, and upon which it effects everything we do, and put in our mouths. Liver Produces cholesterol, different forms must be transported through the blood to trillions of cells for use. Electic Institute with it's Vita Lipotropic, has the Choline and Inositol, which are high amounts of the B-Vitamins (you can't get enough in a multi) also Dandelion, Celandine, Beet Greens, wonderful Milk Thistle. This formula helps breaks down bad fats in the Liver.

You've heard of Fatty Liver? Poisonous compounds, what we breath, constant exposure to free radicals. The Liver has to overcome all of these substances, and make them less harmful. Liverite Products has Liver Aid with Milk Thistle, also with Silymarin, a very potent form of Milk Thistle, also has the Lipotropics, B12, and Aminos, and Choline and Inositol. Quite a combination. The Great DeFatter. The burden that is suffered by the Liver is enormous and overwhelming. Cumulative effects of constant exposure to all of your cells. Dr. Christophers Liver And Gall Bladder Formula could even help with flushing out gall stones and eliminates toxins and poisons. Here they are! As if you didn't know this! Pesticides, Fungicides, Propylene Glycol, Heavy Metals, Motor Vehicle Fumes, Hydrogenated Oils, etc. The liver regards all of this as toxins and attempts to detoxify to prevent cell damages. Bupleurum Liver Cleanse by Planetary Formulas, a program that goes way back in time and because this is of world wide importance now, the natural cleansing of the Liver combines these Chinese 5000 year Herbs, written about in the Materia Medica as Yin and Yang Harmony.

Toxic Liver Syndrome is actually impossible to escape entirely, because of all the dumping in our environment. Now Foods has Liver Support in Tincture, for those that need support in liquid. a combo of well known Liver Support Herbs. And this one's a Killer-Herb from South America, called Agaricus Bio Blazei by Atlas World USA. Now Foods has a very well researched formula called AHCC, comes in caps and powder. A complete Mushroom Blend of Chinese Herbs, greatly enhancing the Livers detoxification powers. How quickly the Liver becomes overwhelmed! Lets look at Liver Dysfunction Syndrome- Dark Circles, Bags under the Eyes, Intolerance to Sugar, Starches and Alcohol, Chemical Sensitivity, Very Pasty Skin, Intolerance to everything including Multiple Sensitivities. Your Liver just can't handle all of this, it has enough to do with just every day onslaughts filtering a quart of blood every minute and carrying out the body’s fuel supply into the blood stream.

Here's a fairly new weapon Futurebiotics Antioxident Superfoods. They are Premier Ones, Bio Vine, a patented Grape Seed, Extract, Resveratrol, combo of Grape Seeds and Skin, PomElla, Pomegranate Extract, has ORAC units of 5000 This is Liver Protection of free radicals. Futurebiotics also has the Vital Greens, with Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley Greens in a 375 concentration of Tabs. You see how right Mom was, when she told us to eat all our Veggies. Klamath Blue Green Algae also in caps, also Acid and Alkaline Balance. Here's your Oxygen! While Peter Gillhams Natural Vitality Formulas has Kidney Rejuvenator, Liver and Kidney work together as one unit. Helping the Blood flow with Cedar Leaves, Lycci Fruit, supporting vital functions as well as Hair and Eyes, according to Chinese Herbology (Called Kidney Essence) Liver Rejuvenator by Peter Gillham, also a combo of Chinese Herbs & American. You can do both for excellent results. And the one everyone knows about, Nature's Way Thisilyn Extract, a 2X one. Helps to build up Liver Enzymes. In order that it can carry out at least 500 functions, we need to continue to strengthen all our organs, Bio Strath Liquid, an Immune enhancer in a raw Honey Blend of 15 Herbs helping strengthen your liver and gives protection and endurance. Biotec Foods Has A Chewable Antioxdant with that SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) Pay Attention-That’s in all your Greens. Has Desiccated Liver too.

All this in good percentages. Ayurceutics has Mangosteen in Caps, incase any of you have tried the Liquid! Another Liver Enhancer. Children also need Liver help. Kids Immune Protect Liquid by Source Naturals, Nature's Way also has the Primadophalus & Bifidus in Freeze Dried for poor food choices and other issues. Dynamic Labs has a Dolphalus with Noni in yummi flavor of Apple Strawberry. For Pets, Nature's Answer has a Liquid Pets-K-9 for Harmony, easy to take. American Liver Foundation in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, ranks it the Third Disease for youngish Americans, includes all Liver disorders, Hepatites and Cirrhoses, from inflammation, swelling and fatty degeneration. The Liver is the storehouse of Life. Liver Heal Thyself, Let's live the Lifestyle to do so!