Men Yeast Infection and Treatment
- By:Juliet Cohen
Male yeast infection normally occurs after contact with women who have the yeast infection. Yeast infections are generally caused by an organism called Candida albicans or Candidiasis and there is no direct evidence that it is passed. Yeast infections are the second most common type of infection women experience (bacterial vaginosis is the most common). Over 70% of women develop at least one yeast infection during their life and over 40% of women have had more than one infection. Male yeast infection occurs when yeast bacteria. Some of the symptoms of having a yeast infection in males are jock itch, severe itching and pain, burning sensation and while passing urine, red color at the head, a clumpy, white discharge, soreness and itching, red patches and blisters and a burning sensation at the tip of transient itch. The lubricant containing nonoxynol-9 can also act as a contributing factor to anal yeast infections. Nonoxynol-9 is known to contribute to the development of yeast infection in women too. It is also common to see rash or a slight milky / cheesy substance under the foreskin
Male yeast infection can occur in men of all ages. Male yeast infection isn't that common but it does occur and the symptoms are generally the same as a yeast infection in women. Male yeast infections may even occur in the oral cavity. Such yeast infections are more commonly seen in women. Male yeast infections can also occur due to the prolonged use of antibiotics. Male yeast infections can be treated with ointments and anti fungal creams. There are many prescription drugs available in the market which are known to treat penile yeast infections. Such yeast infection is also called as Candidiasis. HIV positive men also face a great risk of getting yeast infections. Diabetics and uncircumcised men are at a greater risk of getting male yeast infection. It is not a compulsion that men who have had contact with women having yeast infections will get infected. Since the foreskin holds more moisture, men who have not undergone circumcision have a greater risk of getting a yeast infection.
Most male partners of women with yeast infection do not experience any symptoms of the infection. Men with diabetes can develop yeast infections because the elevated sugar in the urine creates a beneficial environment for yeast. Men get yeast infections for the same reasons that wimmin do, although the likelihoods are different. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus of the yeast family (Candida albicans). Candida albicans is part of the normal environment of the skin, mouth, and intestinal tract. Yeast infections can be treated by over the counter medications like Gyne-Lotrimin Antifungal Cream. Avoid wearing wet clothing for long periods of time. Avoid tight fitting clothing. Tight clothing increases moisture and may create a favorable environment for yeast growth. Avoid diets rich in sugar. Sugar can alter the pH balance. Diet is a very important contributing factor in chronic Candida infections. It is very important to treat the digestive tract as this area can re-infect the if left untreated.
Men Yeast Infection Treatment Tips
1. Don't wear pads or panty-liners beyond the length of your period.
2. Don't use deodorant tampons.
3. Avoid feminine deodorant sprays and douches.
4. Wipe from front to back after urination and bowel movement.
5. Antibiotics can also cause a yeast infection, since they kill or decrease normal flora.
6. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and wear cotton, rather than synthetic, underwear.
7. Avoid wearing wet clothing for long periods of time.
8. Avoid tight fitting clothing.
9. Avoid diets rich in sugar. Sugar can alter the pH balance.
10. Dry the area thoroughly after you shower or bathe
11. Get plenty of rest to help the body fight infections
12. Wear all-cotton underpants and panty hose with cotton crotchesAbout the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for online medical clinic and skin disorders. For more information visit our site at