Most Popular Worldwide Herbal Remedies For Panic Attacks
- By:Richard Bean
You may be experiencing sudden periods of intense fear and anxiety and are wondering what you can do about it. There are self help panic attacks remedies designed by experts that you can try. Many people with long term panic attacks have been cured by these panic attacks remedies and swear by them. Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, fear and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms. The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious trigger. Although these episodes may appear random, they are considered to be a subset of an evolutionary response commonly referred to as fight or flight that occur out of context, flooding the body with hormones (particularly adrenalin) that aid in defending itself from harm.
Although panic attacks were once dismissed as nerves or stress, they're now recognized as a potentially disabling, but treatable condition. A variety of approaches, including medications, therapy and relaxation techniques, can help you control or prevent panic attacks.
What Causes Panic Attacks?
There are many causes of panic attacks. The most common cause is usually high levels of stress and anxiousness. Our busy, success-driven lifestyles contribute greatly to that. There are many effective homemade remedies you can use to reduce stress. Soak in a hot bathtub, listen to calming music or to the peaceful sounds of a white noise machine, sit down, get comfortable and enjoy a good book, or take a leisurely walk in the fresh air. In fact, exercising on a regular basis is a great homemade remedy to help reduce the stress in your life. An added bonus is that it will also benefit your healthy physically. No time in your busy schedule? Just 15 to 20 minutes of exercise a day will help.
Home Remedies For Panic Attacks
Kava has been known to reduce panic anxiety attacks and depression. Kava contains kavalactones. This has a relaxing effect and can also help you sleep better.
Don't Use Kava If You're Pregnant
Kava kava, as it's sometimes called, can be bought in health food stores. However, don't just go off and buy it. Speak to a specialist first. There have been reports of it causing liver problems.
It is also not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women. Not enough research at present has been done, so for women in this category, don't even risk it.
Passion flower and lemon balm are two herbs that seem to produce anxiety-reducing effects. If you are taking medication for a thyroid problem, then it's best not to take anything that contains passion flower.
Lavender essential oil is good to help with calming when feeling anxious/panic. I usually carry a small bottle with me or put some on a cotton ball and keep it in a zip lock bag. The aromatheraphy really helps to focus the mind. It's kinda like programming the mind to 'calm' once I smell the lavender
Arguably, the most popular and well-known herbal preparation for panic attacks, anxiety disorders and depression is St. Johns Wort. It's probably used more for depression.
It seems to be quite effective for depression, if it's not severe. In general, St. Johns Wort seems to be well-tolerated.
Homeopathic remedies are additional natural remedies for panic attacks, and they use dilutions of some herb or flower essence. They are another resource to try. For example Bach Flower Remedies, a variety of homeopathic solutions created from flower essences includes one specific remedy called the Rescue Remedy.
The rescue remedy is create specifically for those in the midst of trauma and any type of anxiety type of experience.
Other remedies (unrelated to Bach Flower Remedies) include "Kali phos 6x" which is a nerve tonic. It is said to be helpful in the case of a rundown nervous system due to worry or excitement.
ome panic attack sufferers have noted that self-talking techniques can help reduce the severity of the attacks. For example, during an attack, the sufferers tell themselves that, yes, they are having an attack, but it will be all right. The idea that they can experience the attack, yet know they will be all right after it seems to help some panic attack sufferers feel more calm and in control.
Deep breathing can help calm down the hyperventilating, or rapid shallow breathing, that often accompanies a panic attack. Aromatherapy, in which the sufferer smells comforting aromas associated with pleasant childhood memories may also be calming. Daily exercise has been shown to help panic attack sufferers cope with the attacks better than if exercise is done only occasionally.About the author:
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