Natural Cure for Gout Treatments - Gout Remedies
- By:Richard Bean
One of the most common forms of arthritis is gout. Gout is characterized by joint inflammation accompanied by terrible pain and sometimes red, shiny skin covering the joint. An attack of gout appears suddenly, often overnight and most often affects the feet and ankles, with the most common area being the ball of the large toe. Gout can be cured by using natural products such as cherries, charcoal, diet, avoidance of alcohol and natural supplements like Arthritin.
People whose body's produce too much uric acid or are not able to effectively eliminate uric acid from the body are at very high risk of contracting gout. The most common site for uric acid accumulation is in the big toe, although other joints may also be affected by crystalline buildup of uric acid.
While sometimes consistent, pain caused by gout can come and go and arise suddenly without warning. Joints affected with gout are usually red, swollen, and especially tender. Gout can also be accompanied by mild fever.
Curing Gout and Decreasing Your Chance of Heart Disease
My career is centered around health! Therefore, my favorite part of the newspaper is the 'Health' Section. And while reading the daily paper, I noticed an article about gout! "Gout Increases Risk of Coronary Heart Disease". I instantly flipped the page and thought 'duh'. But, after thinking about my friend Greg, his family, our friendship, his life… I immediately flipped back and read the interesting article!
A European study reported a 16 year follow-up of over 9,000 men between 41 and 63 who entered the study with no evidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). After the study follow-up, most men continued to suffer with gout attacks but also were considered high risk for coronary heart disease. And as you might know, 1 out of every 5 deaths is associated with heart disease.
And the kicker! Men with gout were about 50% more likely to die from an acute heart attack than those men without gout! With millions of gout hospital visits each year, and over 500,000 coronary deaths per year… Can you understand the seriousness of gout?
Gout can be a life and death ailment if left untreated! I immediately made a phone call to Greg to check up! Greg followed our simple Natural Gout Cure and cured his gout, lost over 20 pounds and his blood pressure was over 15 points lower! I jokingly told him that he will be our 'cure gout poster child'.
How did he do it? He was pro-active about curing gout and began living a healthy lifestyle! And you can too!
A Natural Gout Cure- No mediations needed and NO side-effects
Here is a list of some basic tips if you or a loved one is suffering from gout!
1.) Maintain Your Healthy Weight!
2.) Avoid Eating Meats (Purines)!
3.) Drink half your weight in water! In ounces that is! I weight 180 pounds so I would drink 90 ounces of water per day! Roughly, 11 cups of water per day!
4.) Avoid or limit Alcohol Consumption.
5.) Exercise on a daily basis! Try to get at least 15 minutes of activity per day.
Herbal Formula for Gout & Joint Stiffness
The Gout Relief formula has herbs that help relieve joint pain and other herbs that help alkalize the body from excessive uric acid.
# Uric acid can accumulate in the blood and the tissues, ultimately crystallizing causing pain and joint stiffness.
# Devil’s Claw : Relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Acts as a diuretic, sedative, and digestive stimulant.
# Good for gout cure, back pain, rheumatism, arterioscleroses, lumbago and gout symptoms.About the author:
Read out Natural cures. Also check out for homeopathic remedies and online doctor