Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment: What You Can Do To Help Treat This Painful Condit
- By:John Tulley
Hemorrhoids can be difficult to have, especially if you are always on the go and need to work. It can be painful to walk around with hemorrhoids, and painful to even sit! And it can be embarrassing to look for a cure or even go to the pharmacy to buy one! Despite all these pains and embarrassments, you should never neglect to go to your doctor for advice. Your doctor will always know better than you, so talk to your doctor first before engaging in any hemorrhoid treatment regimens, whether they are natural or based on commercial medications.
What exactly causes hemorrhoids? There are many contributing factors, but the most common would be harder fecal matter. This happens when we eat less fiber and consume less water, and stick to a fast food diet that is full of lard, fats, and empty calories. Today’s consumerist and fast-paced culture is also the home of fast and easy food, so beware of these foods and start adding fiber to your diet. You can do this by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains such as oat and wheat.
You can also try a natural hemorrhoids treatment. Such treatments might include self-hypnosis, which will help you manage your pain better by allowing you to focus on other things. Another natural treatment is acupuncture, in which needles are inserted into different parts of your skin in order to return your body’s rhythm to its natural flow. Through this method, acupuncturists claim, you can get better faster.
There are also different creams that you can apply to the affected area in order to slow down blood flow or ease the pain. For instance, witch hazel cream is known to shrink blood vessels, causing them to contract. This can help ease the pain and swelling, and you can get rid of hemorrhoids faster.
You can also apply lubricants on the affected area in order to keep the pain at bay, keep the burning sensation at a minimum, and relieve some of the itching that can make you scratch your behind, which you definitely should not! Such creams might include aloe gel, butcher’s broom, St. John’s Wort Oil, and calendula. The calendula cream also relieves some of the swelling, and you can add fresh calendula to warm water, make an infusion, and add it to your sitz bath. The sitz bath involves you submerging your body in warm water and keeping your knees raised while you do so.
You can also take tea made from an infusion of horsetail. Horsetail tea can slow down the bleeding. You can also take capsules of dandelion or psyllium seed, which can make your stool much softer. Psyllium seed also serves to coat your bowels so that the fecal matter passes out even faster.
Another popular capsule that is being marketed is stone root, or collinsonia. Stone root is known as a vein strengthener. It can thus help alleviate the pain and keep fragile blood vessels from breaking. The usual dose for stone root capsules is two tables a day, with a lot of water in between.
These are only a few of the recommended natural hemorrhoids treatments that you might want to discuss with your doctor. Always talk to your doctor about different combinations of treatments that might work for you, as well as different illnesses that you might also have. With a lot of good sense, you can beat hemorrhoids and be healthy soon enough.About the author:
About the author: John Tulley writes for Alpha7 Venapro hemorrhoids treatments web site. Our web site has more detailed information on finding an effective natural hemorrhoids treatment.