Niacin Deficiency Testing

By:Lena Butler

Niacin Benefits

Niacin, also called as Vitamin B3, is an essential substance for ones health and wellness. Like other B-class vitamins, Niacin helps release the energy for cells and facilitate over 50 body processes including the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, metabolism of protein, hormone production, and formation of red blood cells. The various functions of niacin also help promote healthy skin and maintain digestive and nervous processes. A healthy niacin level is recommended for ones health and well-being, therefore nutritionist and doctors administer niacin tests to evaluate the status of a patient and detect traces of nutrition deficiency.

Niacin is used as a treatment factor known to reduce LDL cholesterol levels or bad cholesterol, and raise HDL cholesterol level or good cholesterol. For people with heart complications, increased dosage of Niacin is usually prescribed to help treat the disease. Niacin treatment is also prescribed for dizziness, ringing of the ears, pre-menstrual syndrome, headache, cramps, and blood circulation problems. Niacin content in food is found in high-protein diets. Therefore, people who are largely vegetarian are recommended to take Niacin supplements to correct the gap and prevent niacin deficiency. Alcoholism prevents niacin absorption which can also lead to niacin deficiency.

Niacin Deficiency

Niacin deficiency is caused by a variety of factors. In impoverished countries, niacin deficiency is evident in malnourished children. In developed countries, niacin deficiency can crop up with vegetarian diet, alcoholics, and people under stressful situations that skip meals to combat depression. People who fall under the risk factors of niacin deficiency are encouraged to take niacin deficiency tests to assess one's general nutrition levels.

The symptoms of niacin deficiency include canker sores, dementia, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, headache, halitosis, and indigestion. Serious niacin deficiency symptoms include insomnia, limb pains, appetite loss, low blood sugar, muscular weakness, skin eruptions, and inflammation. For extreme cases, niacin deficiency can lead to a fatal disease called Pellagra.

Pellagra is an affective disorder that is highly caused by the lack of niacin in the body. Attacking the skin, brain, and the digestive system, pellagra includes various symptoms that can be wrongly assumed as a different disease. Therefore, doctors study the overall health and wellness of a patient and recommends niacin tests if he suspects niacin deficiency. Knowing the niacin levels of a person will help the doctor in diagnosing pellagra in a patient. Niacin Deficiency Testing A series of niacin panel tests is the best home method to help describe and quantify niacin levels in the body. Niacin level testing not only detects niacin deficiency, but also stands as a guide for niacin overdose which is a condition that can be as damaging as niacin deficiency. The niacin saliva testing process is simple and easy to carry out. A sample of saliva is collected by a specially designed swab. The sample can be shipped to a reputable laboratory for results and interpretation.

About the author:
This Article is written by Tarun Gupta, the author of Early Disease Detection Kits, a longer version of this article is located at Niacin Deficiency Testing, and resources from other home health and wellness testing sources are used such as TestCountry Niacin Deficiency Test.