Old Folk Home Remedies To Relieve Arthritis

By:Richard Bean

Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 55.

Getting arthritis, like many diseases, is one reality that many people will try to avoid as much as possible. This is one experience that can affect your lifestyle and social life. At present, a glaring 50 million of the American population suffer from various types of arthritis. It has more victims compared to cancer or heart diseases. Thus, it is important to find ways to solve this problem, like seeking home remedies for arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis

* Joint Instability : Severe or recurrent joint injury from heavy physical activity, excess overweight-excessive body weight, exercise activities such as long-distance running, basketball, etc. performed over many years will result in the development of arthritis.

Early symptoms linked to arthritis usually include:

* Joint pain
* Joint stiffness
* Tenderness in and around the joint
* Limited range of motion in one or more joints
* Redness and warmth around the affected joint

* Hormonal Factors : Higher proportion of women suffers from this disease as compare to men due to the hormonal changes that take place during the menopause.

* Environmental Factors : Like some are of the view that damp conditions increases the possibility of arthritis.

* Psychological Factors like stress that disturbs the body’s hormonal balance and makes the immune system weak.

* Food Allergy : A diet rich in animal products, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and wheat.

Home Remedies for Arthritis

* Wrap red flannel gently around painful joint and leave it overnight for Arthritis cure.

* A gentle massage with warm olive oil is very effective to relieve arthritis pain.

* For arthritis cure dilute Garlic, Juniper, Lavender, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, or Sassafras oils in the proportions of one part to 10 parts of olive oil and use it to massage the painful joints for immediate relief.

*Another great home remedy for arthritis involves the consumption of 1 cup of fresh pineapple juice, as it helps in minimizing the swelling and inflammation in arthritis.

* In a quarter cup of water, soak a tsp of black sesame seeds and keep it overnight. The next morning consume the water along with the seeds.

* Massage the affected area daily with a mixture of 10 grams of camphor and 200 grams of mustard oil. However after mixing the required ingredients make sure you let the mixture be kept out in the sun. This is to allow the camphor dissolve.

* Add 4 tbsp of Epsom salt to bathing water, to reduce inflammation and stiffness of joints.

Arthritis Diet

The diet can go a long way in curing diseases. The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection, proteins and carbohydrates for energy. Red meat and dairy products are destructive whereas a vegetarian diet, or one including fish, with plenty or raw fruit and vegetables can do miracles. Cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes and watercress may be used for raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include asparagus, beets, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, brinjal, mushroom, onions, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes, squash and turnips.

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