Pregnancy Can be an Acid Reflux Cause
- By:Arturo Ronzon
If you are pregnant and experiencing signs and symptoms of heartburn, you should know that pregnancy can be an acid reflux cause. Even if you have never had acid reflux nor the signs or symptoms of this condition, being pregnant alone can be an acid reflux cause.
Those who are pregnant and are experiencing a burning sensation in their throats or the middle of the chest and having a taste that is sour and acidic in your mouth may be a condition that they are becoming all to familiar with experiencing. Why does this happen and why is pregnancy an acid reflux cause?
There are quite a few reasons that pregnancy is an acid reflux cause. For one thing, women who are pregnant are having increased hormonal levels while the simple act of being pregnant can cause a softening of the ligaments that are used to keep your lower esophageal sphincter or the LES, closed tightly. When this happens at an inappropriate time, the stomach acids and the food you have consumed can come back up into the throat and esophagus.
As the baby grows, there will be increased pressure on your stomach and the organs inside you as your body changes to fit the growing baby�s needs. Simply because of this pressure, it can force food through your LES and be an acid reflux cause.
Most women who experience acid reflux cause when pregnant can take steps to minimize the effects of the signs and symptoms of heartburn. One of the steps you can take is to eliminate foods that are acid reflux cause. By now you must realize what many of the foods are that trigger acid reflux symptoms. By avoiding those foods you can do a lot to manage your condition.
Stay away from foods that are tomato based and don�t drink acidic juice such as lemonade, cranberry or orange juice. Though these foods are healthy for your baby; they may be an acid reflux cause which in turn makes the expecting mother miserable.
Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing any problems related to acid reflux. He or she can put you on a path that will help to minimize the effects of acid reflux while you are pregnant. Before you know it, you will be holding your new baby in your arms, back to eating all your favorite foods that were an acid reflux cause.About the author:
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