Pruritis Treatment Tips

By:Juliet Cohen

Pruritis is local or systemic irritation or itching and is one of the effects of an allergic reaction. The itch may be localized or can effect the whole body. Itching can be a significant source discomfort. When severe, it can lead to loss of sleep, solicituded and depression. It involves nerves in the skin responding to certain chemicals such as histamine, and then processing these signals in the brain. Pruritis can be a symptom of certain skin diseases, and sometimes a manifestation of an internal process. In other patients where there is no evidence of skin or internal disease, pruritis may be due to faulty processing of the itch sensation within the nervous system. There are several internal diseases that may cause itch. The most common example is kidney failure.

Other types of internal diseases that may cause pruritis are some types of liver disease including hepatitis C, and thyroid disease. Some blood disorders such as iron deficiency anaemia and multiple myeloma can cause itch. Neurologic conditions such as pinched nerves and strokes may also lead to an itch. There are some basics that apply to most treatments. Hot bathing or showering should be avoided. Only bathe in lukewarm water. Wearing light clothing, and a cool work or domestic environment all help to reduce the severity of itching. Soaps often dry out the skin. Use mild soaps only in odour bearing regions. After bathing, be sure to completely rinse off the soap film, pat the skin lightly, and immediately apply a moisturising lotion or cream.

Moisturizers is the main treatment that you can use to help cool down the problem area and help you to relax. This prevents dryness, which can cause itching. There is also calamine lotion which is more of a soothing helper than an itch stopper. These lotions should only be used if the itching is isolated to one part of the body. A cool humid environment. Heat can cause itching. A cool, humid environment may prevent your skin from itching. Cotton clothing and bed sheets. Body heat, wool, and some synthetic fabrics can aggravate itching. It may be helpful to wear loose- fitting, lightweight cotton clothing and to use cotton bed sheets. Rubbing the skin and vibration to the skin may also help. Other methods that may be useful in relieving symptoms include distraction, music therapy and relaxation.

Pruritis Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Topical steroid creams may reduce itching

2. Hot bathing or showering should be avoided.

3. Only bathe in lukewarm water.

4. Use mild soaps only in odour bearing regions.

5. Music therapy and relaxation is also useful.

6. Moisturizers is the main treatment against pruritis.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for women health blog and skin treatment. She also writes articles for hair styles.