Quit Smoking Treatment

By:121doc. com


Smoking is the intake of nicotine by means of cigarettes. Nicotine in tobacco is one of the most addictive substances, which makes both the mind and body get used to it very quickly. Once started, in no time a person who smokes tends to become used to smoking.

We see men, women and at times even adolescents of tender age who smoke. A survey shows that, smoking is one of the biggest causes of premature deaths all over the world. People suffer from many life threatening diseases such as various types of cancers, heart attacks and much more because of smoking.

Smoking - Nicotine Addiction

Now few obvious questions that arise are: Why is smoking so much addictive? What makes smoking one's best friend even though it is the worst enemy of good health?

It is not the cigarettes, but the chemical nicotine, which creates an addiction. Nicotine is highly addictive just like any other addictive substance such as cocaine, caffeine or heroin. Such substances affect the same part in brain and have more or less similar line of effects on human body - causing an addiction and harm to human body.

When a person smokes, nicotine along with the smoke first gets into respiratory tract. Thereafter, along with the blood, nicotine makes its way to the brain and affects certain brain cells. Nicotine creates a sense of pleasure in the body, which makes them feel good.

In beginning, the body might show some signs of rejection, but after sometime, upon regular intake of nicotine, the body accepts and then demands nicotine. This is how nicotine, the worst enemy of good health and well being, makes itself the best friend of people's life.

There are many reasons, which makes one indulge into smoking. Among children and teenagers, it might be a fun activity or an activity showcasing one's status. Among adults, it might start with accompanying friends at smoking or even because of second hand smoke. Major causes of smoking are stress, anxiety, tensions and workload.

Smoking - Effects on health

Smoking causes in people many adverse effects. It destroys the entire well being of a person and pushes one towards premature death. Smoking affects the lungs, heart, blood vessels, fertility among men and women. Smoking by pregnant women poses high risk for the baby. Smoking invites diabetes, osteoporosis, problems related to gastro intestinal tract and thyroid problems.

Anti-smoking treatments

There are various anti-smoking treatments available such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), quit smoking counselling and in the recent times, medications such as Champix might prove to be a boon, if one genuinely wishes to quit smoking.


Champix is a smoking cessation medication, which helps people to quit smoking and once again lead an addiction free life. Champix is on oral prescription medication, which is available only after getting a medical prescription. It helps people quit smoking but just like any other medications of its kind, it also has some side effects.

Pfizer, a leading pharmaceutical giant, manufactures Champix. Champix has received approval for sale in the UK, the US and European Union.

About the author:
Webmaster associated with online pharmacy "121doc.co.uk" this site provides various information on Champix and helps people in curing Smoking Cessation, resources are available on site 121doc.co.uk.