Soften Your Hardened Arteries with Chelation

By:vincent Platania

Over half of all deaths worldwide are caused by some form of cardiovascular illness. The World Health Organization reports that as many as 12 million people a year die of heart disease, making it the number one killer in the world today.

Cardiovascular illnesses are caused by high cholesterol levels which can lead to strokes and the development of diabetes. Heart attacks are a common result of atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque in the arterial walls.

Another alternative to treating heart disease is chelation. Initially used since 1948 to treat toxic metal poisoning, chelation has branched out to treat other forms of illnesses, as well. Today, both medical and alternative practitioners have been using chelation to treat hardening of the arteries.

The term “chelation” is derived from the Greek root word “chele”, literally, the claw of a crab or lobster, signifying a grabbing action. In chelation treatments, chelating agents are used to “grab”, bind, and take with them toxins and other harmful substances, expelling them from the body through its natural excretion process.

There are two commonly administered forms of chelation: the intravenous kind involving the use of a needle and a drip for direct introduction of chelating agents into the bloodstream, and oral chelation, a form of therapy using liquid, tablet or softgel form taken through the mouth.

Oral chelation has increasingly become the chosen form of chelation therapy because it is inexpensive, less intrusive, and does not involve having to visit a doctor for each chelation session. Oral chelation is considered a non-medical procedure which can safely prevent coronary disease by effectively attaching chelating agents to toxic and harmful substances, and carrying them out of the body via the bloodstream.

Chelation agents are chemically and physically characterized by their attraction to heavy particles (like lead, mercury or iron). When they get into the bloodstream, they immediately coat these particles and send them to the kidneys where they pass out of the body in urine.

The chelating agent, EDTA has been found to strengthen bones, and reduce cholesterol levels by enhancing calcium and cholesterol metabolism. Using a liquid form of oral chelation therapy, like Original Oral Chelation Formula # 1, a Goldshield Elite product which contains EDTA, royal jelly, bee pollen and Vitamins B12 and C, can remove arterial plaque from the arteries.

Oral chelation therapies have also relied on other nutrients and antioxidants for the faster and smoother assimilation of chelating agents into the circulatory system. Some of these include honey, B vitamins, lipoic acid, kelp and even plant sterols, which have been well-documented in scientific journals for dissolving blood clots and other arterial blockages.

Oral chelation therapy gets into the circulatory system’s deepest recesses that surgery cannot safely reach. This alternative form of detoxification addresses the root cause of heart disease, thereby lowering risks lowering the risks of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes, metal toxicity and diabetes.


About the author:
Author Vincent Platania represents the Rawleigh Products.W.T. Rawleigh founded Rawleigh Products in the late 1800s to create a line of products that possessed both strength and quality. Visit