Stretch Marks Laser Treatment

By:Juliet Cohen

Stretch marks represent torn tissue. Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the flexible middle layer of skin that allows it to retain its shape. Stretch marks are fine lines on the body that occur from tissue under your skin tearing from rapid growth or over-stretching. Stretch marks are caused by a rapid expansion of skin due to pregnancy or weight gain. Other causes of stretch marks occur when perhaps a person has gained a lot of weight quickly or from excess body development. Various types of stretch marks can be improved with laser therapy. Those stretch marks that respond best are usually red in color although white stretch marks can be improved in many cases as well. Cosmetic lasers are a new method for removal of stretch marks.

Traditional treatments like stretch mark creams and gels, lasers are used to provoke new collagen growth and fill the stretch mark from the bottom up. The laser energy is absorbed in the dermal layer of the skin stimulating the production of new collagen. As the new collagen thickens and plumps the skin, it fills in the stretch mark from below. Side effects are rare, but can include bruising, scarring, blistering, or swelling of the treated area. These symptoms will normally fade within a few days or weeks after treatment. Stretch marks that are recent, or pink, purple, red, or brown in color are the easiest to treat and have the highest success rate.
Changes in pigment to the area that has been treated can also occur, but again, this is temporary and your skin will return to its normal color within a few weeks.

Other Stretch Marks Treatment Tips

1. Drink plenty of water during pregnancy.

2. Eat plenty of fresh produce, fruits and vegetables, healthy oils and low fat foods.

3. Vitamins that are particularly great contributors to the appearance of the quality of your skin .

4. Try not to gain too much weight during pregnancy.

5. Avoid stress as much as possible when pregnant

6. Use a body brush or wash cloth to massage the areas where you have stretch marks.

7. Use sunscreen during the day and age spot cream at night time to avoid additional skin damage.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes articles for plastic surgery and skin care blog. She also writes articles on hairstyles advice.