The Causes and Risks Factors Associated With an Enlarged Prostate Symptom
- By:Arturo Ronzon
There are plenty of men who suffer with an enlarged prostate symptom. This condition also commonly referred to as BPH, has enlarged prostate symptom that are just like any other prostate symptom with either less or more severity. The causes of this condition are not fully understood, but researchers are working hard to understand the causes of enlarged prostate so that better treatment options can be formed.
What is known is that men produce the male hormone testosterone through out their lifetime. They also produce a small amount of the female hormone estrogen. As a man gets older the amounts of active testosterone lessen. This results in a higher level of estrogen in a man's blood. This can cause enlarged prostate symptom.
Some studies have shown that when there is estrogen that is at a higher proportion, it may promote the growth of cells inside the prostate which in turn can lead to an enlarged prostate symptom or BPH. Another theory that has been tossed around regarding causes of enlarged prostate suggests the when dihydrotestosterone or DHT accumulates a substance that can be found from the testosterone within the prostate, may also promote cell growth.
Some of the primary risk factors involved with enlarged prostate or BPH can include your nationality. It has been proven that men from European countries and the united states are more likely to develop an enlarged prostate symptom. Those from Asia are at a much less risk.
Another high risk factor for which the cause is still unknown is that married men develop enlarged prostates more than their single counterparts. This can be good news to bachelors who never intend to marry. They now have a legitimate reason to stay away from the institution; marriage can cause an enlarged prostate symptom. Think how well that will go over with the wives.
Other factors that are important to look at, is a man�s age. This is the most common of all risk factors associated with enlarged prostate symptom. A factor sometimes overlooked when men are experiencing enlarged prostate symptom is their family tree. If the men in the family have had enlarged prostate, this puts you at risk as well.About the author:
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