The Importance of An Acid Reflux Remedy

By:Arturo Ronzon

Most of us face acid reflux at least once in our life. Acid reflux is most commonly known as Heart burn. There are many symptoms to the problem however, some of the main symptoms include
Burning in throat
Burning in chest
Bitter taste in mouth

The symptoms are usually mild but there are also occasions when the sensation reaches to such a peak that it makes you wonder whether you are having an actual heart attack. Due to the pain involved t is very important to have prior knowledge about the acid reflex remedies for this problem. The knowledge is bound to come in handy in case of an unexpected attack.

There are certain remedies for acid reflex. One of the main reasons for acid reflex is food. It is very important to avoid certain types of food in order to avoid acid reflex. The first thing you need to do is which of the food you intake is triggering the process. Different people are allergic to different foods including onion, garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppermint and chocolate. Some beverages that have a concentration of caffeine and alcohol are also cause of the problem in some people. What you need to is avoid using your suspected food for some time and observe whether you are still having trouble. If the problem persists even after stopping the intake of your suspected food then you have a different culprit.

Another acid reflex remedy is to control you eating habits. Researches have shown that if you eat to your fullest or you stomach is too full then it will result in causing a pressure to the muscles at the base of esophagus called Lower Esophageal sphincter or LES. What LES does is that when you eat food it opens up to esophagus, after the food has entered the stomach it closes then lid. The reason for this is to make sure that none of the digestive acids leaks out. If the stomach is too full then it will put pressure on LES resulting in the escape of the digestive acids and the triggering of acid reflex.

And if you are a regular smoker then your smoking habit will cause LES to not close tightly. This will result in frequent heart burn. Or another thing that you might be interested in doing is avoiding stress. Stress also contributes towards acid reflex.

Acid reflex is not good for your body but there are many remedies around to avoid it.

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