Warts Diagnosis and Treatment

By:Juliet Cohen

Warts are growths on your skin caused by an infection with human papilloma virus. They are generally harmless. Warts are usually painless with the irregular of the warts on the soles of the feet. There are more than 100 types of HPV viruses. Warts can grow on all parts of your body. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can reoccur. A few papilloma viruses are known to cause cervical cancer. Various types of warts. Common warts, which often appear on your fingers. It has a rough surface that may look like the head of a cauliflower, with black dots inside. Plantar warts, which show up on the soles of your feet. flat warts, also called juvenile warts. Flat warts, which appear in places you shave frequently

Flat wart," is a reddish brown or flesh-colored, slightly raised, flat-surfaced, well-demarcated papule of 2 to 5 mm in diameter. Flat warts may be pink, light brown, or yellow. These are about the size of a pinhead, are smoother than other kinds of warts, and have flat tops. Most kids who get flat warts have them on their faces, but they can also grow on arms, knees, or hands and can appear in clusters. Common warts tend to cause no discomfort unless they are in areas of repeated friction or pressure. Warts around and under your nails are much more difficult to cure than warts elsewhere. People with weak immune systems (the part of the body that fights infection) are more likely to get warts. Most people develop warts at some point in their life, usually before the age of 20.

About 1 in 10 people in the UK have warts at any one time. Treatment options depend on where the warts are and how many there are. Chemical skin treatments usually work. Surgical removal or removal by freezing (cryotherapy), burning (electrocautery), or laser treatment may be needed. Apply the salicylic acid preparation to the wart tissue. Do not apply it to other skin because of salicylic acid's potential to injure normal tissue. Do not attempt to remove a wart yourself by burning, cutting, tearing, picking, or any other method. Applying liquid nitrogen to the wart causes a little discomfort. To completely remove a wart, liquid nitrogen treatments may be needed every 1 to 3 weeks for a total of 2 to 4 times. Home remedies such as milkweed, dandelion, and poison ivy sap have also been used for warts.

Warts Home Remedies Treatment Tips

1. Before you go to bed, apply a fresh piece of onion.

2. Apply powder of herb Indian squill daily over the warts.

3. Apply juice of fig stems to the area and leave for sometime.

4. Marigold is another herb found beneficial in the treatment of warts.

5. Apply milky juice of fresh and barely-ripe figs a number of times a day.

6. Crush a clove of garlic and place it on the area with wart and cover it with bandage.

7. Coating the area with camphor oil several times will remove the wart in few days.

8. Crush the vitamin C tablets and apply on the area, cover it with adhesive bandage.

9. Rubbing a piece of chalk or raw potato on the area frequently will remove the wart in few weeks.

10. Application of tea tree oil to the area for 7-10 days will melt the wart.

About the author:
Juliet Cohen writes health articles for diseases blog and disorders cure. She also writes articles for hairstyles photo.